FX FX Monsoon not cycling

I've had my Monsoon for quite a while now and it always has functioned flawlessly before, but I charged it up a couple days ago and took it out for some shooting and it would not run. If I dry fire it it resets perfectly but with a magazine and pellets it's one shot and then nothing. I need to pull the bolt back and let it snap forward and then get another shot. I am assuming something needs cleaning, but where do I start? all ideas will be greatly appreciated!
This is a highly technical piece of engineering. As far as I know FX does not have any repair videos on the Monsoon. However what happens is with time in the end of the forward part of the shroud is the reloading assemblies. This consists of three plastic sleeves(pipes) and a long plastic sleeve that rides outside the barrel and slides back and forth using the waste air gathered with each shot to work the action. When the reloading assembly gathers enough lead dust and gets clogged up the result is the rifle will not reload. Worn seals which are o'rings can also allow air to escape and the rifle will not cycle. I would suspect there is enough lead dust in the assembly it is causing problems and or lead shavings. Problem with this rifle is that some threads are left handed and some right handed and they did use thread lock on all of it.
If you like the rifle I would recommend you talk to FX USA and find out what it would cost to have them professionally go through it and clean and completely reseal it. This is not and ordinary project and everything has to be just about perfect, one thing out of place and the rifle will not cycle.
Other things that can cause this could be a worn and beat up hammer, and or the main action also dirty with lead dust.
thank you for the replies. I have thoroughly enjoyed the gun up to this point and would like to get it running again so I will probably talk with FX. I was hoping it would be a simple cleaning job but wasn't sure where to start.

It's just so odd to me that the last time I used it which was only a few weeks ago it functioned 100% as it always has, and then this time it won't run at all. The only thing I can think of was that I may have been using different pellets this time. I'll try again with the crosman premiers I used before