FX FX problems

This is not to hate FX this is just to question the build of a gun?
The Impact has been sold for what 10 years or more ? Why is there still a POI problem..
And I have been told but this gun wins all the titles, Well to me that's like saying Honda wins the Indy 500 , I own a Honda mine will not win the Indy 500,,, Maybe a bad example but you get the point,,
Now I am still pissed at RTI, They sold me a Prophet 2 compact with a different barrel as advertised, Also I had to fix a valve on the NEW gun, RTI did send a valve to fix the problem.
But I still had to fix it !!!
So what is FX doing to fix the POI problem?? Or is FX just saying WHAT PROBLEM?
The Mora is looking real good but RTI burnet me once with the P-2 Not jumping on that new gun just yet,,
I have been in this sport a long time I am just not used to working on a new gun to get it fixed right..
Maybe I should just stick with my Crickets,Vulcans, Mutants , and Uragans ?
When the Marauders 1st came out I bought one, welcome to the PCP world, anyway super accurate 25 caliber with a G barreal, If I set that gun down went to lunch it would be 2 " off target, Sight it back in, Put it up for the night next day it would be 1 " off target, The POI drove me nuts with that gun , Yes I bought all the barreal bands when they came out helped but never really fixed the POI change,, But sight it in and it opened my eyes to shooting flies at distance , Put an order in for a new 22 Cricket and had to wait 6 months , End of POI problem , Now this is back when company's stopped caring FX products as they were overwhelmed with warranty work, 99.5 % of the guns came back for work, I am pretty sure that was mostly the Impacts ..
This is not to hate FX this is just to question the build of a gun?
The Impact has been sold for what 10 years or more ? Why is there still a POI problem..
And I have been told but this gun wins all the titles, Well to me that's like saying Honda wins the Indy 500 , I own a Honda mine will not win the Indy 500,,, Maybe a bad example but you get the point,,
Now I am still pissed at RTI, They sold me a Prophet 2 compact with a different barrel as advertised, Also I had to fix a valve on the NEW gun, RTI did send a valve to fix the problem.
But I still had to fix it !!!
So what is FX doing to fix the POI problem?? Or is FX just saying WHAT PROBLEM?
The Mora is looking real good but RTI burnet me once with the P-2 Not jumping on that new gun just yet,,
I have been in this sport a long time I am just not used to working on a new gun to get it fixed right..
Maybe I should just stick with my Crickets,Vulcans, Mutants , and Uragans ?
When the Marauders 1st came out I bought one, welcome to the PCP world, anyway super accurate 25 caliber with a G barreal, If I set that gun down went to lunch it would be 2 " off target, Sight it back in, Put it up for the night next day it would be 1 " off target, The POI drove me nuts with that gun , Yes I bought all the barreal bands when they came out helped but never really fixed the POI change,, But sight it in and it opened my eyes to shooting flies at distance , Put an order in for a new 22 Cricket and had to wait 6 months , End of POI problem , Now this is back when company's stopped caring FX products as they were overwhelmed with warranty work, 99.5 % of the guns came back for work, I am pretty sure that was mostly the Impacts ..
I have all kind of pcps some you have to work on some you dont if you ask me Fx is over rated i here more problems than anything with them i have one of favorite guns 600 buck no regulater and i can hit anything i want out 120 yards its all about the build people spend 3 thousand on a gun complain and i laugh because its all about the build of the gun and how well you tune it but i here what your saying i be pissed also good luck
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I've owned 7 FX rifles including 2 Impact and never replaced a single Oring. I guess I'm just lucky All of them have been lasers. Bottle caps at 60yards no POI problems... Fixin to get another one


Call a bunch of dealers and ask if they ever have Impacts collecting dust in the warehouse. Their answer will answer your question. It’s not an issue with sales so therefore not an issue.
Its a oh my god i have to have an impact latest and gratest, there are so many guns out there that smoke an impact its all about the build and how you tune, one of my many pcps 600 dollars no regulater and i smoke poop at 120 yards way more than anyone should ever need to shoot, but i here you some people have to follow the craze and i guess its ok if thats what you want but i rather lead
Its a oh my god i have to have an impact latest and gratest, there are so many guns out there that smoke an impact its all about the build and how you tune, one of my many pcps 600 dollars no regulater and i smoke poop at 120 yards way more than anyone should ever need to shoot, but i here you some people have to follow the craze and i guess its ok if thats what you want but i rather lead
I followed the craze in 2016 when I bought my first Impact. When I returned to that gun in 2021, I came back a changed man. I fixed the damn thing. Have owned 5 since. I know what they are. I prefer some of the features. But I won’t defend the gun to the point of being ignorant.
I followed the craze in 2016 when I bought my first Impact. When I returned to that gun in 2021, I came back a changed man. I fixed the damn thing. Have owned 5 since. I know what they are. I prefer some of the features. But I won’t defend the gun to the point of being ignorant.
Yeah just wont waste the money on them and i rebuild and tune everyone i get i just feel bad for the people with little money that buy them and have problems and dont know how to build,i guess i am just for the litrle guy lol
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Yeah just wont waste the money on them and i rebuild and tune everyone i get i just feel bad for the people with little money that buy them and have problems and dont know how to build,i guess i am just for the litrle guy lol
Oh I sympathize with the little guy also. But only a little bit. If a guy can find all the info that convinces him to buy a gun, he is also capable of finding the info that lets him know what he’s in for.
My .177 cal M3 Impact has no POI shift. My .30 cal M3 Impact has no POI shift.

When my shot process is correct, my post follow through POA will be on top or next to my POI and if both are not in the 10 ring or or not close to each other, then I screwed up, not the rifle.

Note: I shoot both exclusively off a bipod.
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I'm not sure how the impact design compares to the Maverick design. But on the maverick , there is a small gap between the shroud and the block. I placed these washers in there to create tension when i'm tightening down the shroud and it solved my POI shift.

View attachment 486268
Now take that maverick 2 hrs away from home and see if it still hits its mark. I had 2 did the same you did here. Ill never own another maverick
The POI "problem" is a design issue imo. FX has no interest or need to really change anything. They have been selling Impacts faster than they can crank them out of the factory. There are fixes, but dont expect FX to address anything related to subjective POI shifts.

By the way this is not limited to FX, its an air gun industry standard. Flimsy thin barrels are found all over. Sloppy breech bores with a single grub screw to mount said flimsy barrel is also common. And for some reason the pcp industry is full of consumers that are happy with the current designs and will defend their favorite company tooth and nail. I have posted many times at this point that I love both of my Impacts despite their issues, and issues I have resolved.
Call a bunch of dealers and ask if they ever have Impacts collecting dust in the warehouse. Their answer will answer your question. It’s not an issue with sales so therefore not an issue.
I think this is spot on. Really no reason to fix it when they can’t be kept on the shelf. Also there isn’t a chance in hades 99.9 % of them went back for warranty…lmao. I think most people are plinking and if you have to make a couple clicks on the scope to fine tune it from session to session it is overlooked. I think this is true with the issue of many of them needing warm up shots to reach consistency. For me they (FX) just provide such a nice shooting experience. I sold my m3 to get an epoch and I don’t totally regret it but the impact was just a much nicer shooting and feeling gun. The epoch while built like a tank is just big and clunky. While heavier it still provides much more feedback at the shot in both “recoil” and sound. I also find I have to put in more due diligence to be as accurate. FX just produces a product with a great shooting experience.