FX FX problems

I think the FX POI "problem" is, at least partly, a matter of perspective. If you are a target shooter who goes to the range, zeros the rifle, and then starts shooting, then POI discrepancy from the last outing doesn't much matter. The same can be said for the informal plinker. But, if your rifle is for practical field use, it's a different story. An amount of POI variance that is not an issue in the first two scenarios, becomes a disaster in the last. Here is what I believe: any barrel liner/sleeve system is less robust than a solid barrel. Whether or not that is an issue for any specific shooter depends on a number of variables, and can only be determined by that shooter. When you stop and consider, it's nothing short of a miracle that any of these PCP rifles shoot as well as they do, when their operation depends on a bunch of O rings, valves, and compressed air.
The POI "problem" is a design issue imo. FX has no interest or need to really change anything. They have been selling Impacts faster than they can crank them out of the factory. There are fixes, but dont expect FX to address anything related to subjective POI shifts.

By the way this is not limited to FX, its an air gun industry standard. Flimsy thin barrels are found all over. Sloppy breech bores with a single grub screw to mount said flimsy barrel is also common. And for some reason the pcp industry is full of consumers that are happy with the current designs and will defend their favorite company tooth and nail. I have posted many times at this point that I love both of my Impacts despite their issues, and issues I have resolved.
The Titan, Falcon, Daystate LR90, Mako, Air Arms all used small dia. barrel and no poi shift until you had to replace an o-ring in 10-25 years. Barrel fit/attachment sure counts. The older Theoben MFR you could use the shroud as a walking stick the get off the ground every lane then lean it on tree's and no shift. And nothing wrong with the day's gone by soda straw barrels if it's just for fun and under $50.00. I have an original Gauntlet .177 that has never been pampered and never had any shift.
Advertising sells! Do you want a tuna with good tastes or a tuna that tastes good? Watch the marketing it applies to airgun's also.

And, nothing wrong with the latest greatest FX rigs (the old ones were nearly golden) r as to some people these day's $2-3000 for fun fun fun is the same as $500 to others.

I followed the craze in 2016 when I bought my first Impact. When I returned to that gun in 2021, I came back a changed man. I fixed the damn thing. Have owned 5 since. I know what they are. I prefer some of the features. But I won’t defend the gun to the point of being ignorant.
A very good response, fair and accurate. When I got into Airguns 4 years ago I naively thought; these AGs don’t break or have issues. Then I bought and since sold a buffet of guns, including FX. What I learned is buy what you can fix and get help fixing and parts. So I sold off a bunch of guns and focused on 2 areas 1. Platform, now I’m nearly entirely Hueben and Weihrauch. 2. Vendors. Krazcoool/Kelly and AOA have stood by me and pulled my ass out of the fire multiple times. I will go to the grave singing their praise. I never thought I would breakdown GK1s, K1s, HW 44s, and soon 30s, 50s and 95s to repair. I’m too old , I prefer shooting vs repairing. My advice is narrow it down, pick it, choose it and learn it to self repair. Obviously this theory doesn’t apply to the pros who can diagnose and treat any problem, the 5%. Not me.
Impact MK2 here, I remember the story when I bought it that this wasn't a starters gun.
Starting from second month owning it, I did so many internal surgeries I strip all the 3mm threads in aluminum, but I learned this LEGO gun to a level I can take it apart and back to shooting lanes with my closed eyes. The Impact was never back to a dealer for service, I wanted to learn all the ins and outs obamaself.
I am shooting rings only, 100% from any kind of rest, I never tried to shoot it offhand, storing it in a hard case with a gun oriented in way the scope is at top.
If any POI shift I don't know, I am recycling my first 5-10 shots anyway and watching the radar screen when doesn't move anymore I am set.
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OK my friends and families, I am open to take this POI shift story to a next level.
Anybody experiencing the phenomena please join us here, lets troubleshoot what else could be an issue here.
please grab some one to take two=2 pictures of you.
One picture from side, oposite side of you anchoring for scope eye box and ready to make a very first shot - perpendicular to the gun and same height as your head. Frame the picture in a way, no need the entire gun only to show your head with a scope, your elbow and how you shoulder it. Regardless offhand or sitting at the bench.
Second picture from behind you, same height, to show your head leaning into the eye box also to show the angle on your arm and elbow, from that angle most likely the gun won't be visible but that is not in our interest to see anyway.
The pictures we can analyze and troubleshoot, A little coaching for free. ;)
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OK my friends and families, I am open to take this POI shift story to a next level.
Anybody experiencing the phenomena please join us here, lets troubleshoot what else could be an issue here.
please grab some one to take two=2 pictures of you.
One picture from side, oposite side of you anchoring for scope eye box and ready to make a very first shot - perpendicular to the gun and same height as your head. Frame the picture in a way, no need the entire gun only to show your head with a scope, your elbow and how you shoulder it. Regardless offhand or sitting at the bench.
Second picture from behind you, same height, to show your head leaning into the eye box also to show the angle on your arm and elbow, from that angle most likely the gun won't be visible but that is not in our interest to see anyway.
The pictures we can analyze and troubleshoot, A little coaching for free. ;)
I see what you’re getting at but my worst POI shifter, Dreamtac, did not require diagnostics on the shooter. For example. There were three shooters and four guns. A Dreamtac, Edgun, Taipan and a Kral of all things. Over the course of a long weekend, we only chased one gun around. This year I machined a solid barrel for the Dreamtac. Didn’t change anything else. Same shooters this year but the Kral was replaced with a DRS classic. I didn’t chase the Dreamtac all weekend. And about every time I found it, it was leaning against this or that with its barrel. A good solid gun can be leaned in a corner or anywhere safe resting on its barrel. It saves me the aggravation of chasing family members around trying to protect my fragile POS.
The whole flimsy ,pathetic barrel liner setup on the Impact is the reason they ALL have POI issues

Those that don't see the problem are just in denial...
I totally agree!

With a poor ground to trigger interface - EVERY and I mean EVERY Impact ever produced will suffer horrendous POI shifts with nearly every shot.

I suggest you test the new M4 but first ask for a ground to trigger interface upgrade to at least Marksman and if you can afford it, I would upgrade to Expert!
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This is not to hate FX this is just to question the build of a gun?
The Impact has been sold for what 10 years or more ? Why is there still a POI problem..
And I have been told but this gun wins all the titles, Well to me that's like saying Honda wins the Indy 500 , I own a Honda mine will not win the Indy 500,,, Maybe a bad example but you get the point,,
Now I am still pissed at RTI, They sold me a Prophet 2 compact with a different barrel as advertised, Also I had to fix a valve on the NEW gun, RTI did send a valve to fix the problem.
But I still had to fix it !!!
So what is FX doing to fix the POI problem?? Or is FX just saying WHAT PROBLEM?
The Mora is looking real good but RTI burnet me once with the P-2 Not jumping on that new gun just yet,,
I have been in this sport a long time I am just not used to working on a new gun to get it fixed right..
Maybe I should just stick with my Crickets,Vulcans, Mutants , and Uragans ?
When the Marauders 1st came out I bought one, welcome to the PCP world, anyway super accurate 25 caliber with a G barreal, If I set that gun down went to lunch it would be 2 " off target, Sight it back in, Put it up for the night next day it would be 1 " off target, The POI drove me nuts with that gun , Yes I bought all the barreal bands when they came out helped but never really fixed the POI change,, But sight it in and it opened my eyes to shooting flies at distance , Put an order in for a new 22 Cricket and had to wait 6 months , End of POI problem , Now this is back when company's stopped caring FX products as they were overwhelmed with warranty work, 99.5 % of the guns came back for work, I am pretty sure that was mostly the Impacts ..
I own MANY PCP's of diverse makers (including FX, Daystate, BRK, AGT, Western Airguns, Evanix, Jager, Air Arms, and another's).

Some have excellent looking and quality.

Some have excellent quality and are semi/full auto that makes them an advantage for some situation.


If I would have an only one shot for a only once in life opportunity to take a trophy, my choice would be to shoot that shot with an Airgun Technology rifle.

Those rifles are accurate, powerful and reliable.
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Before you blame the FX STX barrel system, I would make sure the ground to gun interface is not the issue.
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Luckily not my experience. I have two and the mav is a badass platform. I’m curious as to what is not hitting the same spot when taken 2 miles away. 1/4-1/2” , a foot, 6” off ??
Well i said 2 hrs and that was the thing you’d never know where it was going to go and you could adjust for it and it would change again. Too many small parts bolted together to allow temp and humidity shifts. My m3 was the same till i got an air marksman back bone that cured most of it. In my opinion the mav is a good design carried out poorly. Ill stick with my ghosts.