FX Fx reliability and warranty in 2024

*****Ad hominem attack removed.****

I bouth Fx maverick VP 22 6 weeks ago aprox.It came to me in sniper model hardcase and I was suspiccious...When I first time tried to cock my new rifle cocking was terrible,it was out of timing and like there was some rusted travel insid the gun...,I reached for you tubes how to videos and folowing that I noticed that I didnt get o rings inside the barrel,there were no o rings in transfer port,hammer v 7 was damaged,like production damaged and I have sand and polish it to make it works...gun has several marks that indication that it is not one time assabled dissasmbled.I send email to my suplier and he says that it is not possible,that they just got this rifle from Fx and they send it to me like this in sniper model hard case cause Fx send like that sometimes...,and that everything should be fine...I have limited options abouth my case cause I live in Croatia and first Fx store is 2000 km away.
I ordered some o rings from huma,put them in and poi of shift was terrible...I wasted 25 boxes of ammo to try to tune and make this gun works fine...then I put the liner in arrow spinner and I noticed a big wooble at one side so I send email to my suplier and to Fx.Suplier says that he has sended email to Fx to send me missing and damaged parts,after 10 day of no getting parts he said that they are on holidays,then Fx says that I need to contact my suplier...broken record case....In the meantime all screw are rusted and pins from cocking lever having tendency to fall out...
I had Streamline before and that gun worked flawlessly,with zero issues in few years and several dozen of thousands of pellets...
It is obvious that Fx is breaking bad bad bad...I dont care for Dubber,Gerhard and other videos abouth greatness of Fx cause is obvious that they are hard sposored and they can get around 50 liners to pick the best and the straghtess barrel and they show to us some non failed videos of Fx accuracy,as average Joe you could get really hard time with Fx thee days...
Fx done their marketing and they dont care abouth small people anymore,they have terrible quality control and terrible warraty and I think this is my list time dealing with Fx!I will order missing parts somwhere and try to make my maverick work,but also I think I am gonna sell it and buy Uragan or something much more reliable as I see on forums that I am not the only one that strugles with Fx from accuraccy to reliability.
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I have definitely had a few problems. Fx service has been good though. However I got rid of my fx m3 for an epoch. The gun is made right here in the US and is easier to get into and service by far. I currently have a wildcat bt vp at cape fear getting a regulator serviced under warranty this happened right after I had a crown regulator fail as well. I sold that bought a Vulcan 3 which I have owned before. Not as changeable or as easily tuneable as an FX but about 50 times simpler inside. When the wildcat comes back it’s for sale and no more FX for me.
I have owned 6 FX rifles and still currently own two and waiting to purchase a 3rd. I have never had all the issues I see some have on this site. Sounds like your dealer is screwing you. Sorry to hear of your misfortune.
I agree.
The response you received from the dealer sounds as if he will not accept any responsibility
I am also willing to bet that you did not get new gun
Report him to FX
I have owned 6 FX rifles and still currently own two and waiting to purchase a 3rd. I have never had all the issues I see some have on this site. Sounds like your dealer is screwing you. Sorry to hear of your misfortune.
I would not blame dealer,everyone I know does not have any issues with that store...Fx should have better quality control,better workers...No produst should leave factory until is checked in details but i think cause of heavy demand Fx is in hurry and that part is not so great,also i believe that dealer contacte them asap but they are just lazy,that is my opinion
I have definitely had a few problems. Fx service has been good though. However I got rid of my fx m3 for an epoch. The gun is made right here in the US and is easier to get into and service by far. I currently have a wildcat bt vp at cape fear getting a regulator serviced under warranty this happened right after I had a crown regulator fail as well. I sold that bought a Vulcan 3 which I have owned before. Not as changeable or as easily tuneable as an FX but about 50 times simpler inside. When the wildcat comes back it’s for sale and no more FX for me.
I think I will go same as you..what do I have from all Fx adjustability when it works only in Matt Dubbers Air Tac and othes sponsored shootists videos and their customer support is slow and terrible...I lost all my trust in Fx
Sorry to hear about your problems.

I have 4 FX PCPs with another due in a couple of days. All have been well made, smooth operating and properly tuned straight from the factory. No problems after years of use and many thousands of pellets.

Rust? Missing parts? Rough operation? Poor accuracy? This is not typical from FX, IMHO your supplier has dumped a "previously owned" rifle on you and you should return it for full refund.

If the supplier doesn't want to cooperate I'd take legal action. From your description it should be easy to confirm that the product was not new (hopefully you have pictures or a witness). You could explain the problem directly to FX Sweden and ask them to track when and where that rifle (serial number) was shipped from the factory.

Good luck!
Sorry to hear about your problems.

I have 4 FX PCPs with another due in a couple of days. All have been well made, smooth operating and properly tuned straight from the factory. No problems after years of use and many thousands of pellets.

Rust? Missing parts? Rough operation? Poor accuracy? This is not typical from FX, IMHO your supplier has dumped a "previously owned" rifle on you and you should return it for full refund.

If the supplier doesn't want to cooperate I'd take legal action. From your description it should be easy to confirm that the product was not new (hopefully you have pictures or a witness). You could explain the problem directly to FX Sweden and ask them to track when and where that rifle (serial number) was shipped from the factory.

Good luck!
I have pictures and I can prove everything,and I wrote to fx sweden 3 times but there were no positive answer until today(few moments ago)..and it is not that simple cause I live in different and far away Eu country from my suplier,when I got my gun first thing was to go to police and make evidence abouth it,thats the law in Croatia so I think it can be tricky with paper work etc. in relation between me,suplier and local police station(law) with returns,lot of things to explain,lot of paperwork etc so cause I am not new to airguns and I have some skills abouth mainteanance of all kind of shooting equipment i decide that it will be much simpler for me to ask for parts and put all together...but as I see now every few days something new came up abouth Fx reliability
Big question here............
You say supplier...........does that mean a retail establishment or a private seller??
You already stated it was known used.
Established certified Fx seller... For reason of what I got after all I did not wanna buy from a guy in my country who is only a seller at first place so I reached 2000 km away
I have pictures and I can prove everything,and I wrote to fx sweden 3 times but there were no positive answer until today(few moments ago)..and it is not that simple cause I live in different and far away Eu country from my suplier,when I got my gun first thing was to go to police and make evidence abouth it,thats the law in Croatia so I think it can be tricky with paper work etc. in relation between me,suplier and local police station(law) with returns,lot of things to explain,lot of paperwork etc so cause I am not new to airguns and I have some skills abouth mainteanance of all kind of shooting equipment i decide that it will be much simpler for me to ask for parts and put all together...but as I see now every few days something new came up abouth Fx reliability
The problem is not the reliability of Fx as a manufacturer. Most of the problems that occur are caused by the dealer. Either they disassemble the new piece for parts they don't have and when they do have them they put it back together somehow, or they return the sold item within the legal time limit and they sell it again without inspection, etc. There's a lot of that. I don't mean to offend all sellers but most don't do this there are exceptions.
I have pictures and I can prove everything,and I wrote to fx sweden 3 times but there were no positive answer until today(few moments ago)..and it is not that simple cause I live in different and far away Eu country from my suplier,when I got my gun first thing was to go to police and make evidence abouth it,thats the law in Croatia so I think it can be tricky with paper work etc. in relation between me,suplier and local police station(law) with returns,lot of things to explain,lot of paperwork etc so cause I am not new to airguns and I have some skills abouth mainteanance of all kind of shooting equipment i decide that it will be much simpler for me to ask for parts and put all together...but as I see now every few days something new came up abouth Fx reliability
I understand. Like you I have the tools and knowledge to work on airguns and would prefer to fix (minor) things myself rather that get into a hassle.

I'm waiting for a DRS and was told by my supplier that the shipment was delayed due to FX be being on holidays so that's true and is likely the reason that FX was slow in replying to you. I've contacted FX Sweden a couple of times with questions and they always replied within a reasonable time considering time differences.

No company is perfect and with the thousands of airguns in multiple models that they ship there's the statical probably that some products have an issue of some sort. If FX was in the habit of shipping deffective products there would be more than a few complaints about issues and they wouldn't be in the position they are today. I'd look closely at the rest of the supply chain before jumping to conclusions.

I did a lot of checking before purchasing my first FX product (I'm a Feinwerkbau/Weihrauch guy) and found that many of the loudest complainers about leaks admitted (off line) to exceeding the manufacturers limits while attempting to find maximum power. I'm happy with my FX products.

I think you should get FX Sweden more involved as (according to my supplier) they are concerned about customer satisfaction and are very interested to know if there's a problem with a vendor. Evidently, FX will apply pressure and won't hesitate to withdraw their products from a bad vendor if complaints are valid.

Again, good luck!
I really dont have nothing to admit... Forr example I have years of experience with compound bows and there is company, Bowtech who have terrible customer support, they also tossing to dealer wheen it comes to issue, they swear on warranty and reliability but when it comes to it they are washing their hands, they are tossing the ball to archery shop then archery shop to you and then you decide to exit that circle and you buy damaged part.
In this case I dont know what to think, if they wanna push my suplier and take care for me as a customer they will ask me what is the problem, instead they have trust in my suplier more than me and problem is still here, so they dont care.
Also if you understand some manufacturing processes, and if you saw Steve s video abouth Fx factory you can see part when they are straightening the liners in few seconds. There is no way that you can straighten bended shaft(liner) on that speed, nooo way... But they are advertizing their liners as perfectly straight which mine is deffinetly not beside all other issues.
If they are really manufacter who cares abouth every single customer I would be contacted weeks ago and offered with proper apology and retained trust.
I think they made mega marketing and they dont care anymore.