FX FX Royale reseal help needed

Hi, Folks,
I'm resealing my Royale 400, I grabbed it to go shoot and it had leaked down to zero. I bought a reseal kit and got started. I replaced the outer O rings on the reg as well as the fill port and bottle adapter O rings. It's now leaking out the reg vent hole, it will hold at 100 bar but leaks at higher pressure.
My questions are-

Should I take the reg apart and replace the inner O rings?

When I went to remove the bottle under pressure it released some air so I tightened it back on.

Is it safe to remove the bottle with air in it? I've seen it done in videos but haven't done it my self.
I had the same issue on my Bobcat (same family as Royale & Boss). The regulator leaked. Watching the videos of how to rebuild the regulator i decided that buying a new regulator from Huma Air was the answer.

-- Matt
I replaced my reg with a HUMA also,
And love it
The additional bonus for me was that I already owned a HUMA regulator tester
So, I bought the adapters to fit the Huma Royale regs into it.
With this setup I can preset the reg pressure before installation instead of relying on the marks on the reg.
It's great for tuning

just my 2 bar
Thanks for you replies-
I got the bottle off with no problem. I'm a little hesitant to take the reg apart, but it really doesn't look all that complicated other than the disassembly. I will say those old hardened O-rings are take some effort to remove. I also seem to be missing the plastic washer that goes between the reg and the bottle adapter. Someone put a Belleville washer in there instead, it was working fine like that so I don't know if that's a problem. I will see if I can find one.
Also I spent the big bucks on the reseal kit and it was lacking the large O-rings that go on the reg body! I happened to have some almost identical ones in my O-ring kit from Harbor freight. I bought the kit because it has a new valve stem and seat-but when I compared old to new, the valve seal was a smaller size than the original so I kept the old valve stem and seat.
John, had the same problem a couple years ago with my Boss. After resealing & reinstalling the factory reg a couple times with Centercut's help (we even tried a newer factory reg he gave me) he suggested getting a Huma reg. BEST thing ever done to that gun! Because mine's a .30 I got the Boss High Power reg. but the regular Royale one will probably be sufficient in yours. They're only about $80 & imho far superior to the OEM regs. Very easy to install (if you don't do it backwards the 1st time like I did! ). Don't think you'll regret it. BTW, the reseal kit I bought didn't have the external reg o-rings either so I bought separately. I have a bunch of extras if you need.
Hi Gerry,
The thought of getting a Huma did cross my mind-I was hoping to get back to shooting it sooner, but I may go that way since I may have to wait for parts. Does the Boss have the plastic washer between the reg and bottle adapter? I don't know how necessary it is.
Not that I recall. Did you look at the FX website "exploded" diagram for your gun to see if it's there as an essential part? I'll be forever grateful to Mike (Centercut) for his suggestion (among other things). He & I spent 10 times more time rebuilding & futzing with the OEM regs than it took to install the Huma. The difference was immediately evident. More power & way better shot count. Ernest Rowe's videos helped me a lot especially where the reg is set at.