WARNING SARCASM ALERT!!! FX leaving something out of a gun, say it isn't so!Just a little story I have from the past couple weeks of trying to get my Impact m3 tuned for slugs. I tried fx hybrids, jsb and nielsen slugs. None of them would group and I bought the 700mm tensioned slug barrel kit trying to get some consistency and accuracy. I watched tuning videos and tried everything. I got a few good groups but always a flyer and then completely fall apart without changing anything. But I stayed persistent and decided I was going to buy the carbon fiber barrel liner to replace the oring method. I figured whats another $30 at this point. The sleeve came today while I was at work. It was a really nice day today for this time of year in MT so I left work early to get the sleeve installed and do some more testing. Once I got the barrel apart and pulled the barrel liner things started to make a little sense. FX never put any orings on the barrel liner. Finally after all that and finding my barrel didnt have any orings for support adding the carbon fiber sleeve I got some consistency and almost a finished tune. I ran out of day light but it looked pretty good. I think I just need to trim a little more air from the shot cycle.
The moral of the long story is check your equipment and make sure everything is in place and nothing is missing. I bought the tensioned barrel kit a few weeks ago so this isnt something from the past with bad qc or issues with having all the parts this happened with a current purchase.
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