FX V2 chronograph

i have a problem with my FX V2 chronograph. When I use it with my underlever rifles I place it on top of the barrel and now it will record 2 to 5 shots and no more. It just started doing this and when I use it with break barrel rifles it works fine. Has anyone else had this problem? JimmyV
Well it happened to me as well mine is not v2 but it gaveup after 6 months of purchase time and i hardly used it for like 10 times ... i tried to contact with dealer but unfortunately he closed his business in the end i did contact FX and they said they can not help me i need to contact their dealer which is quite annoying ... i have been using china cheap chronograph for last 6 years and not a single fault used beta chrony for like 8 years never gaveup still with me and fx chrono couldn't last for 6 months and no positive response for fx airguns at all ...


You need to start by adjusting the sensitivity settings, then make sure it's reading for the correct speed window. Stability is also very important when firing .177, and sort of shake or wiggle of the barrel when the gun is firing will cause it to not pick up the round when entering the radar cone(narrow end at the unit). I use these almost every day at work and have experienced this issue with my .177 guns, regardless of power plant.
You need to start by adjusting the sensitivity settings, then make sure it's reading for the correct speed window. Stability is also very important when firing .177, and sort of shake or wiggle of the barrel when the gun is firing will cause it to not pick up the round when entering the radar cone(narrow end at the unit). I use these almost every day at work and have experienced this issue with my .177 guns, regardless of power plant.
Thanks for the info!