FX Wildcat, and a wooden stock - but what color??

I have been working on my "homemade" stock in flame birch to my wildcat .22.
This has been very fun, and thank to Gundog in this forum who inspired my attemt to build my own custom stock. As you can see It is based mainly on the wildcat plattform, but I have "rounded" it off (more like the vulcan?), and put much energy in forming the grip, and the thumb placement exact to my hand.
But I have a BiG DILEMMA. I shall now watermoisture the stock 5 times between fine, fine sandings (before the final oilingprosess), and it is now I can add some color into the wood. And that is my dilemma - I am not sure what colour would suite the gun in a best manner. If I add no color, the stock will get some darker in the oilingprocess, and the wood structure will regardless be more prominent. In fact it will nearly be the same colour as the wildcat itself I believe. (Look at the picture).

Some thoughts:
Black.  Suits the gun perfectly, but fx have already taken care of that...
Brown or something similar to deep brown/red....... Traditional but safe.
As is. Just the oil, it will darken a bit, and hopefully come near up to the color of the wildcat's fur. (Mixture of linolje, benar and some amerikansk terpentin - sorry, had to use the norwegian terms here). 

The wood: Flame birch. My theory is that the wood pattern will mimic the stripes in the wildcat's fur. (Yes I know, very optimistic....)

Do you guys out there have any thougts that can back up my decision on the color?



I always use a dye on figured wood to pop the grain. Usually i like to make the wood warmer with yellow and red. My favorite is to use 2 stains. First the yellow and then the red. The red, being second, wont be absorbed as much and will just highlite. For yellow, maybe use "new maple" and for red"cherry". Usually i use Artisan stains which are bright bright colors but i think you will want a stock in more subdued colors. Try on scraps of course. Just wondering about the oil finish. Is that customary for guns? The water vulnerability would scare me. I like to spray conversion varnish on everything near water. Much stronger and water proof. Repairs no big deal if you own the hvlp spray gun heh. Of course ive never done a gun, but as a fellow wildcat owner im waiting to see how yours turns out. Lemme know if your close to chicago
Thank you. This was great input! 
Stinkyonions: the mix you mention here is very near to my own thinking, and pheelgood - mahogny is ok, it is in the brownish sektion. Green stain mentolio...... Not sure about that on this particular stock. You see, I have this obsession with recreating the wildcat fur in the stock. The shifting dark/light brownyellow in the wildcat would be nice. 
So what have I have done today?
COFFEE. Instant coffee. VERY strong. Moistened the stock with it and sanding with 400 paper afterwards. 
And YES, I can see the wildcat is coming out of the wood now. But I need some yellow, and will follow stinky's advise and add some "new maple" or similar.
more to come.

-yes a pic of that coffe moistened stock (second round):


EDIT: Problems with transferring pics via p.bucket from my I-pad. Here comes the picks imported from my pc:


Thank you, I appreciate the feedback you have given me on this project.
I am now in the closing fase when it comes to colouring. Yesterday I put on the yellow stains, and after that a thin layer with a mix of mahogany/English red. This is the risky part I think. My theory is that I now can polish/sand me back through the red/yellow layers to the main coffee layer, and some of the red and yellow will remain in a harmonic mix with the coffeebrown........... More to come in a day or two!


The final goal: Is it possible to recreate the Wildcat fur?