Tuning Fx wildcat hammer replacement

Does anyone know how to remove the hammer ( not the hammer weight !) from a FX wildcat MK3. When I take the powerwheel off, the spring and hammer weight fall out easy but without the hammer itself in my case. Is this a matter of shaking it a bit better out or do I have to remove other screws/pins….?

thanks a lot for your help

by the way I am looking for a wildcat Mk3 hammer from hardened steel . (Approx 50 rc instead of the 20 rc the factory hammer is.)

If someone can sell me / make me one I would be super happy. 
Hi Ladwict, 

If you need any extra help please give our technician department/customer service an e-mail or phone call. In the mean time here is a video of Ernest Masterclass of the FX Wildcat MkIII disassembly and you will find the Reassembly on our channel also. Hope this helps. 


FX Airguns USA 



Monday – Thursday 9 AM – 4 PM EST
Fridays 9 AM – 3 PM EST
Phone: +1 866 639 0772
[email protected]
I believe FX already understood the need for changing hammer material as in the newest Impact there will be a Tungsten hammer according to the latest marketing movie 

I had feedback today from the company that was supposed to harden my hammer . The FX hammer was examined by an expert and he siad that the hammer is hard chromed as it is. Tested from my 2022 bought Wildcat M3 hammer . 

This means that if you test it with a Rockwell test it Will show low RC as noticed ( mine was approx 22rc ) in this thread as the pin point Used doing the test will penetrate through the Chrome layer and not test the outer hard Chrome layer but was is below the. Hrome . The Chrome layer could wel be up to 70 rc. In any case at least 50rc. Iif this has been an improvement made or not I am quite sure but the problem mentioned in a 2019 thread in this forum due to “soft hammer” damage is not valid anymore.
Hard chrome is a surface treatment for lower friction and wear resistance and does not effect the materials core hardness or deformability. In this case likely to lessen friction and improve durability of the hammer in its bore. A hammer made from a higher modulus and higher yield strength material, such as a hardened tool (tungsten) steel, will transfer more impact energy to the valve stem because it will deform less and therefore compress the valve spring further.