3 mags sounds like a very small amount of shots for barely 20fpe even out of the airtube.I havent had the time to sit down and spend the afternoon tuning mine, but I think it gets about 3 mags right now. That would be from a 220Bar fill to about 115Bar, reg is set at 105-110Bar. I am pushing the JSB KO Slugs 10g at ~980fps.
Mods are a Maverick plenum, Huma transfer-port and high flow pellet style probe. So my setup will likely get a little more shots per fill compared to stock, but it will give you a rough idea what to expect.
Yeah it might be more like 4-5 mags. I havent done any testing other than speeds so far, so shot count is off memory. Also I dont have my tune all settled out still, so I am probably wasting some air.3 mags sounds like a very small amount of shots for barely 20fpe even out of the airtube.
1)Is yours at 12 ft pounds? Like to shoot this for hft target huntes class need about 100 shots. Plus how dose it shoot at 55 yards? thanks keith3 mags sounds like a small amount but they have 22 round mags in .177 so that's still 66 shots. Mine is currently shooting the 8.4 grain FX pellets at 935 fps. Never counted my shots but I know it's over a hundred per fill. Reg is around 80 bar.
I'm a little over 12 ft lbs. Around 16, I believe. It shoots great out to 60 yards. I haven't shot any groups on paper recently enough to remember what size groups it shoots. But it'll regularly hit walnuts, bottle caps, and other targets of opportunity at that range.1)Is yours at 12 ft pounds? Like to shoot this for hft target huntes class need about 100 shots. Plus how dose it shoot at 55 yards? thanks keith