Thats awesome. Just to be sure,the letter "S" on the port should be facing down right xD ?This string is .22g FX slugs while tuning. Most of the lows are from adjustments w 110 bar on reg 2 , over 42 fpe at 930 fps . Using the slug port.
Shot count: 16
Low: 907
Hi: 932
Avg: 922
STD Dev: 8.7
Spread: 25.0
6/16/23 3:23:37 PM,909
6/16/23 3:24:17 PM,932
6/16/23 3:25:17 PM,926
6/16/23 3:27:05 PM,921
6/16/23 3:28:02 PM,907
6/16/23 3:30:17 PM,914
6/16/23 3:31:07 PM,923
6/16/23 3:31:21 PM,930
6/16/23 3:31:34 PM,928
6/16/23 3:31:47 PM,916
6/16/23 3:32:03 PM,912
6/16/23 3:33:41 PM,909
6/16/23 3:33:54 PM,928
6/16/23 3:34:10 PM,930
6/16/23 3:34:27 PM,930
6/16/23 3:34:39 PM,930
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