Thanks for the update wimpanzee. Please keep us posted when you receive it back and inform us what was done to the rifle .
have a good weekend
have a good weekend
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That’s the one ! Got the same . This is a power plenum developed by Ernest Rowe and introduced in this forum by Joekool . Especially made for the Wildcat and Streamline. Main difference ( besides the gap) With DL powerplenum is the fact that the adjustment hole of the regulator remains uncovered. In my case the screw thread resulted in an accessible reg adjust hole as you can see on my pic . And like I said no more need to couple 2 together as a double length version is available .
<img data-src="" class="lazyload" src="" /><noscript><img src="" />
with the reg set at the factory (looked more like 180bar, too) I got right at 16 shots at 70-72fpe.
I decided to turn down the reg to 150 and refill and see what I got...but I was out of air. Compressor running now...
what pellet or slug do you intend to shoot with this WC beauty most ?
Wimpanzee - can you measure that extension so we can confirm if it’s the 1” or 2+” version that can be purchased from Ernest?
And the million dollar question is whether the next batch of wildcats will have this installed from the factory or if it will need to be purchased and installed by the owner.
thank you - been anxiously waiting for you to get your rifle back and give an update.
Don’t mention the gap . Joekool might read this........ Joe I bet you have ordered the long plenum version already right ?