I been doing some thinking I been won'ting to order a fx impact m4 as most has seen in my last few post but my question is now if I don't wont to barke it down myself to put all the o rings in it how much does it cost to send in to have it done? Would I be better off getting the maverick? Or the wildcat?
If you buy it new it will have a 3 year warranty
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If breaking down an Impact for repair or maintenance intimidates you I would suggest following Vetmx’s advice and look at another model. The Impact is not and should never be considered a good choice for a new air gunner or someone not comfortable with mechanical endeavors. Period. This is not an entry level gun. I have two of them and I love them. This does not make any better an air gunner than anyone else. It just makes me someone with enough mechanical aptitude to work on one comfortably. If that ain’t you? I would never suggest a Impact.
If you like FX or think that is what you want to try I would suggest something in the Dynamic platform. Tons of power, super easy to tune, pretty simple design and a great reputation for accuracy.
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If breaking down an Impact for repair or maintenance intimidates you I would suggest following Vetmx’s advice and look at another model. The Impact is not and should never be considered a good choice for a new air gunner or someone not comfortable with mechanical endeavors. Period. This is not an entry level gun. I have two of them and I love them. This does not make any better an air gunner than anyone else. It just makes me someone with enough mechanical aptitude to work on one comfortably. If that ain’t you? I would never suggest a Impact.
If you like FX or think that is what you want to try I would suggest something in the Dynamic platform. Tons of power, super easy to tune, pretty simple design and a great reputation for accuracy.
I'm not new to pcp airguns by no means just didn't know how hard it was to change out the orings when needed
The Wildcat/Maverick have a lot less orings compared to the Impact, but still more than some other brands. I really like the Wildcat, so much it is the only new FX I will likely ever buy. For simple design take a look at the Gen 1 Taipan Veteran at Talon Tunes, he has a couple left.

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