I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I'm not a fan of the current generation FX rifles that use a sleeve and liner system. When you add to that mix the shroud, and probably a moderator, there are too many places for error. I had a Crown, and it was as accurate as any rifle I own, but it was a back yard and range rifle, not hunting. Minor bumps or any movement of shroud or moderator would affect POI. The liner also had a habit or lead fouling rather quickly. Ironically, the most reliable rifle I own is an FX, but it's an old school Royale 400, traditional solid Smooth Twist barrel, no liner system. It doesn't have the range of power adjustment as found on the new models, but I see no need for that in a hunting rifle. And it almost never needs cleaning. Although I squirrel hunt mostly with a rimfire, the Royale is my pesting squirrel rifle around the yard. I would not hesitate to take it hunting in the woods, whereas I would never consider taking the Crown. I don't abuse my air rifles or firearms, but I don't want to worry about a POI change if I bump a tree limb. As I said, I'm in the minority, but my experience is what it is.