when ever im sighting in a rifle or testing a rifles acuracy , at a minimum you want to bench rest it , im new to pellet rifles but i would think it applies as it does to powder weapons , you want to remove as much human factor as possible , i actually use a lead sled when sighting in a rifle , it holds the rifle perfectly stationary
what you want to do is get a pure baseline of the rifle , so if its punching the same hole off a sled then you start shooting off a bag , or free hand , and your groups open you know you are causing it , then you can start to see what you are doing , other wise you have no base line to work from
it can also be usefull when trying various ammo to see what a particular rifle prefers because again you are getting a no nonsense baseline by removing the human variable
what you want to do is get a pure baseline of the rifle , so if its punching the same hole off a sled then you start shooting off a bag , or free hand , and your groups open you know you are causing it , then you can start to see what you are doing , other wise you have no base line to work from
it can also be usefull when trying various ammo to see what a particular rifle prefers because again you are getting a no nonsense baseline by removing the human variable
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