Gamo wf mach1-.22 cphp, stock open sight, 50y. 3ed cup morning try . Had to move up in bulls size a bit . My poor ol eues just could not get in focus this morning.. (2"). Then split the color to split the Shanked 2 but ill blame caffeine this time😉

This off hand or rested?
Lol.. ya, rested on my ol' stuffed scock.. mannnnn... I wish freehand maybe back in my 20's. Yup them were the days .😉

Notin fancy in my bench.. stuffed scock.on jack block on 2x8 on sawhorses. With folded cardboard anti wobble chocks..

Gamo wf mach1-.22 cphp, stock open sight, 50y. 3ed cup morning try . Had to move up in bulls size a bit . My poor ol eues just could not get in focus this morning.. (2"). Then split the color to split the Shanked 2 but ill blame caffeine this time😉

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Yep looks about right for Any..........Any brand rifle with CPHP. Solid nose domed only slightly better. Over the years I have seen a lot said about CPHP pellets, however I have 7 Gamo air rifles, and 9 HW rifles and 2 older Walther collector rifles and none of them, I repeat none of them like CPHP to any degree of what I call acceptable. One of my HW97 rifles will shoot a one inch group with them at 50 yards, however that same rifle with Barracuda Greens is a hole in one shooter if I do my part.
I have all of the new Gen3i Gamo air rifles, the Magnum, the Bone Collector and the Fusion. I really like to shoot them as they constantly require me to deliberately take each shot and any loss of concentration bites me.

The Magnum likes the Air Arms 16 grain and will just barely print a one inch group at 50 yards. Most of the time it is more like 1.5 inches.
The Bone Collector loves the Redfire pellets and will consistently shoot one inch at 50 yards, any other pellet and it is a 3 inch group.
My favorite of the three is the Fusion. Unfortunately it loves the most expensive pellet in the world, it loves the GTO Predator 11.75 and shoots one hole groups at 25 yards and one half inch at 50 provided I do my part.
I use a front rest just behind the front stock screws and free hold the rear. Any support or rest of any kind at the rear will cause POI all over the place.

I looked at my pellet inventory and I have 41 different brands and weights of pellets, I go through them all with each new rifle. I go through them all again with each rifle once each rifle passes the 1000 shot mark. Only half a dozen or so over the years have shown adequate accuracy with a Gamo.

Number one and two are the GTO Predator and or the Barracuda Greens. (expensive pellets and just went to 28 bucks for 200)
The air arms 16 grain.
The Red Fire , good in some, consistent in all (also expensive)

A few like the 15,89 JSB
A few like the FX 18 grain. My Gen 2 Magnum loves this one.

Having said this about CPHP someone I am sure has a rifle that loves them. I have just never ever had a rifle that even remotely likes them. Unless shooting at one gallon green bean cans at 10 yards.......I can do pretty good on those one gallon cans and with CPHP. Grin!

Just an overall basic experience report for those looking in, I like Gamo air rifles and find them all adequate for those wishing a hunting rifle at 35 yards and under, and quite the challenge to shoot beyond 35 yards. Very different than an HW97 that more or less shoots itself. Grin!

Not too shabby of shooting OP! Those scopes that come with air rifles like that, are crap...ask me how I know. I have only two NP's and one springer, and the scope I have on the springer is a Hawke, and it is solid. The other two have the "supplied" scope, and they are next to worthless.

I can tell that even though my "lower end" air rifles are not going to be the shooters that a higher-end rifle will be, I think I can do better with them, if I put a better quality scope on them. I don't even attempt to shoot at 50 yards with any of them, I keep it to 30 yards and under.
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Not too shabby of shooting OP! Those scopes that come with air rifles like that, are crap...ask me how I know. I have only two NP's and one springer, and the scope I have on the springer is a Hawke, and it is solid. The other two have the "supplied" scope, and they are next to worthless.

I can tell that even though my "lower end" air rifles are not going to be the shooters that a higher-end rifle will be, I think I can do better with them, if I put a better quality scope on them. I don't even attempt to shoot at 50 yards with any of them, I keep it to 30 yards and under.
Of the gamo scopes i got(4) its pretty spot on you can keep counting on it ( so far) it just has no focus and things look farther away then with naked eye. Like 20y looks like its I just focus it the best i can get it then use the power adjustment to get it better in away . 7 power is its sweat spot .. lol. The others are clear but cant hold zero to save there lives .. i thought id swap the eye lens pieces out and see if somthing changes . Then its just as easy to pull it off and shoot irons ..

I got far better scopes but im just not a scope guy..
Figured id blow the dust off the ol'gamo from last time i posted .

Nothing fancy just wanted to post somthing for nuttin better to do.
Gamo, package scope, cphp.22 , 50y



A last of the day after supper before it gets dark try got 2 out i guess thats better then 3,😁


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Burr... 55' some wind not florida like this

Figured id post another 5@50 with the poor old girl. Gamo, package scope, cphp.22 . Just aint holding my mouth just right.. but ill blame the pellets as usual 🤔 ( theres always that one , right?)

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I would like to ask you to please try this. Crosman pellets that I get are usually from 0.211 inches to 0.219 inches out of the tin. When I am shooting for accuracy,I measure the tail and the head . Then place them accordingly to size and find what size your Gamo likes? Mine likes them from 0.217 to 0.219 that's where I get the most accurate shots possible.
Let's see what you come up with?
I would like to ask you to please try this. Crosman pellets that I get are usually from 0.211 inches to 0.219 inches out of the tin. When I am shooting for accuracy,I measure the tail and the head . Then place them accordingly to size and find what size your Gamo likes? Mine likes them from 0.217 to 0.219 that's where I get the most accurate shots possible.
Let's see what you come up with?
Ya, there's some under. I just wash and lube them . Mostly slosh rince a few times to get the swag off . Once i see little to no lead flakes in the bottom of the rince cup i call it good. That really goes a long way it seems. I just dont care to sort them . For backyard its fine. Its not like im shooting for trophies, money or prizes here... For near 5 year old sub $200 walmart gamo it dont do too bad i figure. Does near as good on its sights.., so? I just get bord and just want to post somthing for the heck of it . Then not all that pcp stuff...
Burr... 55' some wind not florida like this

Figured id post another 5@50 with the poor old girl. Gamo, package scope, cphp.22 . Just aint holding my mouth just right.. but ill blame the pellets as usual 🤔 ( theres always that one , right?)

View attachment 305432
That's some good shooting for 50 yards. I don't believe I could even see the target at 50 yards. I'm going to the range tomorrow (weather permitting) to try a new 2289 at 15 yards and then maybe stretch it out to 25 to see how it does. I'll be using just the peep sights and resting it on some foam :unsure:
That's some good shooting for 50 yards. I don't believe I could even see the target at 50 yards. I'm going to the range tomorrow (weather permitting) to try a new 2289 at 15 yards and then maybe stretch it out to 25 to see how it does. I'll be using just the peep sights and resting it on some foam :unsure:
Now these latest shots i got the gamos package scope on . I mounted it for somthing for another thread and its been doing fine so i kept it on for critter popping. I swapped out some parts from bad gamo scopes i had and hot this one not so bad.. it held zero but had no focus now past 25 you can kinda focus it without it looking like you using fun house mirrors.. ( sad😭). Lol.

Irons id have to use a fully colored in 2" bulls on white 1-1/2 on a clear eyed day. First post was irons . I giess i need to go back on them before i get scope lazy
For nuttin better to do at the moment just to post .

I had the gamo package scope on for another thread got this and pulled it off last night back on stock irons and got that for 3cup, first shots this morning.

I guess a scope is a tad better or im just hold lazy today.

Scope 3 power ,cphp.22 ,50y
gamopackage 502.jpg


Late afternoon wile between prepping and cooking supper shots .. wow i slipped since this morning.. what the heck was i looking at ? Not the sights on the bulls for sure . Better luck next time.

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Of the gamo scopes i got(4) its pretty spot on you can keep counting on it ( so far) it just has no focus and things look farther away then with naked eye. Like 20y looks like its I just focus it the best i can get it then use the power adjustment to get it better in away . 7 power is its sweat spot .. lol. The others are clear but cant hold zero to save there lives .. i thought id swap the eye lens pieces out and see if somthing changes . Then its just as easy to pull it off and shoot irons ..

I got far better scopes but im just not a scope guy..
I know this is an old thread but I,ve got to throw my 2 cents in. I have guns with scopes and some without. I like to shoot with open iron sites just to see what I and the gun will do with open sites. It,s more of a challenge than anything. A scope makes it too easy to hit the target. ( Oh and while I,m at it that,s some great shooting Mo-Ron ).
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