Gamo Gamo Magnum haters

HIlarious. My one sample *is* a Hunter Extreme Pro. And yes, the reason I mentioned a sample of one is precisely because it's unfair and not necessarily representative. OTOH, if you get a dud, are you going to rush out and buy another one? Yeah, me neither. If I had three Gamos that I liked before buying the HEP, I'd have probably chalked it up to bad luck, but like I said, sample of one. But my real point was why should you, or the OP, or anyone else who likes Gamo magnums give a rat's patoot what *I* think? I can still discuss it without insisting that anyone with a differing opinion is an idiot which I think was the OP's real gripe.

Gene---it's a FIVE YEAR FACTORY WARRANTY on that rifle. What was wrong with it??? I'm NOT saying you're an idiot, but WHY, if it WAS a dud, didn't you just send it back to Gamo? They would have probably just sent you out a new one. And the new one would have probably been checked over with a fine-toothed comb before being sent out to you, to avoid any repeat of the problem(s) you experienced with the original. I'm just curious is all...:unsure: I can't find a single thing, now that the SAT trigger is tuned to my liking, to criticize with mine. Well, I did remove the front sight to give my hand a better purchase on the moderator to aid in cocking the rifle. But then again, I shoot scope only with this rifle, so the sight being gone is of no consequence to me.
I've been active on this forum for a bit over a year now and have blocked one person in that period. It seemed fairly apparent that he had a chip on his shoulder and was mostly interested in arguing and casting aspersions upon whatever I had written, so I decided that it was a waste of my time interacting with him. I've been blocked myself 3 or 4 times now, mostly for respectively disagreeing with other posters. In one instance I kind of get it. The guy was bragging up the new rifle he had just purchased and I was pointing out some of the disappointments I had with it.

Just let it go. It's not worth stressing about. If you really want to see what was posted you can log out and view the thread as a guest, but honestly, there's really nothing being posted that's worth getting worked up about.

So far as the Gamo Magnum goes, I have mixed opinions on it. I think the rifle itself delivers very impressive performance in both power and accuracy in a very lightweight and affordable package, but the Swarm mechanism is a kludgy POS that should be buried upside down with a stake pounded through it.
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As far as I'm concerned Gamo is the only spring / gas ram gun company still pushing innovation all the other companies just make the old guns they've been making for the last 15-30 years . And then they'll add new stocks and act like they made a new rifle. I do wish Gamo would try to make a more high end gun. But as far as hunting goes I'll take my gamo over any of my other springers. They're lighter and pushing 30+ foot pound of energy .

I have two of the hunter extreme pro's and one of them is pellet on pellet at 30 yards the other one is like 3/4'' groups at same distance. The thing about mass produce springers is you have to check the barrels for consistency, And another thing about gamo their Gas Rams seem to last forever. The Leopold scope cost more than the rifle though LOL
Diana, AA and HW have all just decided to move on from springers and continue with just their legacy products, but there are several other companies out there that are still innovating. Cometa, Hatsan, Norica and Crosman all come to mind. Unfortunately, along with Gamo, they all target the budget oriented end of the market. There's nothing wrong with that and I'm glad the lower priced guns are out there, but I miss the days when there were companies like Theoben and Webley making new models of high end rifles as well.
I have a Hawke Airmax 2-7x32 AO on the Gamo since new. Many people told me that I was going to replace scopes regularly because scopes don't last on "magnum" break barrels of any make. I can tell you this, the Hawke is still working like new, holding it's zero 100%. The glass is not high end Swarovski by a long shot, but it is good, even in low light.
I'm beginning to believe that the whole "airguns eating scopes" thing is mostly a relic of the past. I've had a number of spring guns over the years and a few "super-magnums". I have fired literally 10's of thousands of shots through them and the number of scopes I've had that have crapped out on me has been about 3 and that's over a 3 decade long period. Maybe I've just been incredibly lucky, but I'm guessing that once scope manufacturers became aware of the issue they began building scopes that were capable of handling springer recoil.
Gene---it's a FIVE YEAR FACTORY WARRANTY on that rifle. What was wrong with it??? I'm NOT saying you're an idiot, but WHY, if it WAS a dud, didn't you just send it back to Gamo? They would have probably just sent you out a new one. And the new one would have probably been checked over with a fine-toothed comb before being sent out to you, to avoid any repeat of the problem(s) you experienced with the original. I'm just curious is all...:unsure: I can't find a single thing, now that the SAT trigger is tuned to my liking, to criticize with mine. Well, I did remove the front sight to give my hand a better purchase on the moderator to aid in cocking the rifle. But then again, I shoot scope only with this rifle, so the sight being gone is of no consequence to me.
I can't speak for Gene, but myself I really hate shipping things back and forth for repairs. I'd probably reluctantly do it if I had a Daystate, but for a sub $300 gun I'll just try my own hand at it or live with the disappointment.
Gamo has really stepped up its game in the past two years. The rifles are well made, solid and look nice.
I have owned I suspect just about every springer ever made at one time or the other and although the HW95 is still my favorite rifle of all time, sitting on the fence about to fall into my most favorite is my Gamo Gen 3i Fusion. It is light, balanced, has adequate power to hunt with and is just as accurate as my 95. Last week I spent half a day shooting Red Fire Pellets through it at 35 yards and watching one hole groups become the expected situation.
I also have a Gen 2 Gamo .22 magnum that is also extremely accurate and with the Barracuda Green Pellet 5/8 to 3/4 groups at 50 yards is also an expected situation. I do not shoot it as much as I used to as Barracuda Greens are now like almost 30 bucks for a 200 count tin.
All my Gamo Rifles have had the trigger screw changed and adjusted for a light clean match trigger style break of just under one pound , which really does contribute to accuracy as the stock trigger as shipped is quite frankly crap. So yep you have to do a few things to them, then they are fine.

There are some mind boggling design issues on the fusion, bone collector, maxim , etc, as with inclusion of their new so called shock absorbing rail makes mounting a regular size scope impossible and proper eye relief is not possible for most people, so I generally tear that rail off, drill a stop pin hole in the top of the M8 rear stop screw and mount the scope as far back as I can to allow it to clear the magazine and loading system. A decent UTG or Hammers scope will do fine, no need of that nonsense rail.

Yes I like them, they are light, and with the proper trigger adjustments and changes they are wonderful rifles. That Fusion is just as accurate as my 95 and much lighter to carry around for six hours and the repeat capacity of the magazine is also great.

It was not always so, Gamo had some real lemons in the past, however in the past several years they have stepped up their game.

I had to return the 1st Gamo Hunter X-Pro, as it obviously was dropped on the barrel/front sight and could not be sighted in. The replacement was obviously tested & was super-accurate w/iron sights straight out of the box. Im happy I bought it & it would be one of the last guns I would ever sell. I mainly shoot targets @ 50yds(scoped) with the Pro. I have a few German (Drooper) airguns that seem like toys compared to the Gamo... Its no joke to cock, but is surprisingly smooth, and not very hold sensitive. At close to 30FPE, they make older, "Magnum" airguns look under-powered.
I cant speak for the plasticy, or swarm Gamo's... The Hunter Extreme Pro is now a .25cal
It is interesting that some cannot have an adult conversation about certain items. Like this one person bashing Gamo and when I gave him my positive experiences about my Gamo Magnum and asked him a question in reaction to what he said, he only said "Cool story" and then blocked me from the thread instead of giving a answer (photo) to my request in that thread. That indicates to me that he is not truthful in what he said and not worth having a conversation with anyway.

For me and many other airgunners Gamo is a nice rifle for the price. We don't say it is better than high price rifles but for the price it is doing the job perfectly. If one holing at 25 meter with a break barrel after more than 20k problem free shots and still in perfect condition is not good enough, I don't know what is.
I seriously cannot express what value forward option the gamo shadow 1000 is. You can buy one used for $30. Simple operation, parts availability and it moves a projectile at 900-1250 fps, the same as a .22lr. The newest versions even come integrally suppressed and with a scope for under $200. It cost more to whine about than get a new one😅
The Gamo Jungle Iberico new has 175€... 36 Joules in cal. 22. Spring not IGT. Recommended 100%.

The Gamo Jungle Iberico new has 175€... 36 Joules in cal. 22. Spring not IGT. Recommended 100%.

View attachment 492775
That’s about exactly the kinetic energy as the Gamo Magnum gas ram we have here in the states, so I’m guessing it’s probably the same cylinder but with a spring in it instead.

I also notice there’s also no “swarm” mechanism and it’s got a much better price.
That’s about exactly the kinetic energy as the Gamo Magnum gas ram we have here in the states, so I’m guessing it’s probably the same cylinder but with a spring in it instead.

I also notice there’s also no “swarm” mechanism and it’s got a much better price.

Usually have to check the Gamo USA website for sales. There's always a "sale" and usually monthly(?) coupons also. Occasionally other places carry Gamos cheaply, scored my Swarm Magnum for $200 a few years back. Shoots very well. The GR Magnum (spring, no swarm, open sights & no pickle) was going for $199 a while back I believe, probably equivalent to the Euro (€) at the time.
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