Gamo Gamo P-430

I bought a Gamo P-430 to replace an old Daisy BB pistol. Didn't pay a lot of attention when buying much to my dismay. My biggest issue with the pistol is that it has the front and rear sight are fixed. It''s shooting about 8" low. I'm wondering if I filling down the rear sight will get it somewhat closer to Zero?
If your groupings are off, it much more likely indicates your technique is off, and not your sights.

If your technique is bad and you adjust the sights to compensate, your point of impact will only keep changing as your technique improves (or worsens since you're now reinforcing bad habits to keep shooting consistently). Focus on the front sight, such that the rear sight and the target are a little blurry.
or you quit fight the cheap fixed sight and get one of these
then go to Ebay or Amazon and get one of these
now the reflex sights have 3 dozen different names on them but they all the same,aps,127&sr=1-6&th=1

or fight the sights
here is my Walther CP99 pellet with the mount on it is dead centered

just an idea nothing more
The grouping are good it's shooting low. Aiming at the top edge of the target it's shooting about 8" low.

From what I have read to correct this the front sight would need raising, so wouldn't lowering the rear site do the same thing. The sights on the P430 are plastic .

Here's a diagram that might help-

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 6.52.05 AM.png
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or you quit fight the cheap fixed sight and get one of these
then go to Ebay or Amazon and get one of these
now the reflex sights have 3 dozen different names on them but they all the same,aps,127&sr=1-6&th=1

or fight the sights
here is my Walther CP99 pellet with the mount on it is dead centered

just an idea nothing more
That is an interesting mount I have never seen one like that. Hehe, I have 2 of those exact same reflex sights. Have to look on Amazon for the mount I don't do eBay, got scammed there to many times and eBay is of no help.
Found one on Amazon.,aps,113&sr=8-79&th=1

Thanks for the info.
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I owned this gun.

I use some teflon band to adjust inner barrel tolerances, cause its rattling a little from factory, put some oil and fine file some things, its a cheap gun but after I put some love to it, it's surprisingly accurate, I was hable to take down pine cons as fas has they can barely fit in the front sight.

Only problem is the trigger... only heavy double action, but you can master it, It was the most precise Co2 crappy gun that I ever have after the mods.

I recomend you tight fit the barrel with some teflon band or something and then check if the accuracy improves.