Ran 150 slugs/pellets through it today. 82 JSB Knock Out slugs for my first set. A spread of 12 FPS was great, but all over the place. Next round were AEA pellets. Finally able to get it settled in with them.
JSB does not make eighty two grains slugs in thirty cal, byt great consistency. I assume you were tethered?Ran 150 slugs/pellets through it today. 82 JSB Knock Out slugs for my first set. A spread of 12 FPS was great, but all over the place. Next round were AEA pellets. Finally able to get it settled in with them.
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Ahh my bad, not sure why I had that disconnect lol. What kind of accuracy were you getting?82, as in 82 shots. 50 grain for the slugs. Correct, tethered to make like easier.