Get the Lead Out!! (Short Video)

Looks good Christian, I use a home made wooden box that I slide the paper target into and it’s full of old wrags, folded and packed in. I’m in the process of collecting all the pellets and I do that by taking out the wrages and letting the pellets fall out into a large bucket. I have about thirty kilos at present which I’m going to melt down into bow and starboard anchors for fishing in the dams in Queensland. They don’t seem to get caught up in the trees and logs under water as conventional anchors do and as there is no current to foul things up.


Thanks for the video. I posted this a while back too. Works very well. I should have made a video but I'm not so great with a video editor.


Wow, thanks for all the good info guys.

The easy way to get the lead is to use a 5 gallon bucket. Fill it about 1/2 way up with water. Then just pour the mulch into the bucket on top of the water. Just stir around with your hand or a stick if it is cold where you are. 
The lead will settle to the bottom. You just scoop out the mulch and throw it back in the box. You will be left with all the lead int he bottom 

