N/A Getting fed up

" If you can't carry a man-sized gun around in a field for long stretches of time you need to get in better shape or take up golf and ride a golf cart."

Ahhh yes. When I see a post like this, I automatically think of a keyboard ninja obsessing over his nidan from a famous internet dojo. To me, anyone can point an anvil.

At 16, I was involved in a mountaineering accident that left me spending the night in a rather precarious spot with a person whose pelvis and leg were fractured. Weather precluded airlift. The carry out was medieval. Since then, I have never gotten more than 5mi from a road without gear to get me through 36hrs with a broken hip (mine or someone else's). This adds to your backcountry load.

Yes 10# rifles are child's play to shoot accurately.
I am impressed by shooting a HW95 with aperture sights offhand.
I was a good specimen; cholesterol 143, cycling 800mi unsupported tours (ie. carrying EVERYTHING) of Scandanavia, several centuries (cycling100mi road) per year). Then, at a young and very active and fit 68, everything blew up.
I don't put others down. I love my FWB p700 and my heavy powder burners. But at 73, after a bad shoulder replacement (days in icu, weeks of hospitalizations and vascular surgeries and a year of PT) I then needed a total hip replacement.

I am not putting anyone down...but this can happen to any of you and frankly, if you are lucky, it will. We are all "TAB" temporarily able bodied. This totally blind sided me.

Enjoy every moment you have but keep the better shape wisecracks to yourself. Right now, I am probably in better shape than many of you and that was a pitched battle.
Personally, I’d be thinking of an RWS54 in .22 or maybe a Prosport. For a lighter and easier to load rifle maybe a an HW95 in .22.
Ive got a 54 in 177 that was worked over by Hector and it is my ft gun. Shoots amazing but has lots of work to get there and is only at 11.3fpe. The 54 shooting at steep inclines can affect the sled consistency and with squirrel hunting sometimes im shooting at a 45 incline or greater. If you could know how it behaved at those steeper inclines and compensate it could work.
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Call me a Mary if you want. I'm 58, 6'4" 250, fairly decent shape and I like light equipment. Just because I can carry heavy equipment doesn't mean I want to. Whether it's fishing or hunting I've always found my trips more enjoyable with lightweight equipment. It's easier to go longer and further with less weight. Unless you're a macho masochist why lug around more weight than needed?
Anyway my choice for a squirrel gun is my 177 HW50. Scoped its seven pounds flat and in my opinion the best balanced and shouldering Weihrauch. My little Hw30s have taken plenty of Grey squirrels inside 25 yards too. Bigger isn't necessarily better.

Man I would get a hw50 but after seeing some of the barrel droop they come with I might stick to a fixed barrel or get another 54. I'd rather have a heavy gun then mess with barrel droop.
The last new one someone sent me to tune had barely any barrel droop. It was most likely due to a plump new breech seal. It was well within practical scope adjustment. That was November. Maybe Weihrauch finally got a handle on it?
Barrel droop is easily compensated with a Sportsmatch drooper mount or bending the barrel. I wouldn't let barrel droop be the deciding issue. Besides lots of fixed barrel guns have droop as well.
" If you can't carry a man-sized gun around in a field for long stretches of time you need to get in better shape or take up golf and ride a golf cart."

Ahhh yes. When I see a post like this, I automatically think of a keyboard ninja obsessing over his nidan from a famous internet dojo. To me, anyone can point an anvil.

At 16, I was involved in a mountaineering accident that left me spending the night in a rather precarious spot with a person whose pelvis and leg were fractured. Weather precluded airlift. The carry out was medieval. Since then, I have never gotten more than 5mi from a road without gear to get me through 36hrs with a broken hip (mine or someone else's). This adds to your backcountry load.

Yes 10# rifles are child's play to shoot accurately.
I am impressed by shooting a HW95 with aperture sights offhand.
I was a good specimen; cholesterol 143, cycling 800mi unsupported tours (ie. carrying EVERYTHING) of Scandanavia, several centuries (cycling100mi road) per year). Then, at a young and very active and fit 68, everything blew up.
I don't put others down. I love my FWB p700 and my heavy powder burners. But at 73, after a bad shoulder replacement (days in icu, weeks of hospitalizations and vascular surgeries and a year of PT) I then needed a total hip replacement.

I am not putting anyone down...but this can happen to any of you and frankly, if you are lucky, it will. We are all "TAB" temporarily able bodied. This totally blind sided me.

Enjoy every moment you have but keep the better shape wisecracks to yourself. Right now, I am probably in better shape than many of you and that was a pitched battle.
At a very fit 60 with regular work outs my friends tell me they would have voted me least likely to have a heart attack. Well, at the same age, I had not only a heart attack but a week later straight up, cardiac arrest, followed by a coma and a 10% chance of survival. Happy to say three years later thanks to a loving family, an Eagle Scout upstairs and an off duty, fire captain next-door I am still here. You couldn’t be more right. We are all invincible until we’re not. After that we do the best we can.
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The last new one someone sent me to tune had barely any barrel droop. It was most likely due to a plump new breech seal. It was well within practical scope adjustment. That was November. Maybe Weihrauch finally got a handle on it?
Barrel droop is easily compensated with a Sportsmatch drooper mount or bending the barrel. I wouldn't let barrel droop be the deciding issue. Besides lots of fixed barrel guns have droop as well.
Sorry all I've ever had is TX is and never had to worry about it
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Man I would get a hw50 but after seeing some of the barrel droop they come with I might stick to a fixed barrel or get another 54. I'd rather have a heavy gun then mess with barrel droop.
Have you considered a 48? I had one in .22 and it was a hammer but was no fun to tote around.
Had one and sold it
Me too. I kept my Diana 34 in .177 and AA LH TX 200. Honestly, if I'm going to pack something around it'll probably be one of my lighter .22 rimfires. I'm almost 63, still fit and healthy but have no desire to pack around a 9-12 lb rifle. I have nothing to prove anymore.
I bought a .22 D350 for squirrel/pest control and I'm really happy with it. Got the PA package that came with a Mantis 4-12x40 AO. Plenty of power and more than accurate enough for humane kills out to 40-50 yds. Drawbacks would be that It's long, somewhat heavy, and the cocking effort is substantial. Those factors don't bother me so it's a good fit. Solid gun, good quality build throughout, and not terribly expensive.
I bought a .22 D350 for squirrel/pest control and I'm really happy with it. Got the PA package that came with a Mantis 4-12x40 AO. Plenty of power and more than accurate enough for humane kills out to 40-50 yds. Drawbacks would be that It's long, somewhat heavy, and the cocking effort is substantial. Those factors don't bother me so it's a good fit. Solid gun, good quality build throughout, and not terribly expensive.
I am looking hard at that one