Brocock/BRK Ghost barrel stiffeners?

I installed and experimented with the the barrel stiffening kit on my Ghost HP in .25 cal and I mean seriously trying different tensions pressures from virtually nothing to to extreme tension and every variable in between also I tried loosening and tightening the six screws on tension collar I found no improvement in accuracy and the sound of ur shot will increase substantially even with a moderator all I got POI changes from session to session removed unit and went back to factory set up....gun shoots great!
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Has anyone noticed any increase in accuracy after installing a barrel stiffener on your Ghost?
I don’t own one, but would say No, just a weakness in the wallet. Quite frankly, the Ghost needs noting. What are people trying to correct? I don’t get it? Unnecessary stiffeners-Now, I get why they changed the name…
Thanks for your input @kayakman .

The entire system @Corvid_hunter
I installed the block on mine just because, but I don't believe the tensioner kit would benefit the 23 inch barrel. The 28 inch barrel I would install the kit on. The Ghost has a real barrel that you could beat someone into submission with and reinstall without having to worry about it being bent out of shape.
I haven't tried the tensioner but you only have about 9 or 10 inches of unsupported 15 mm diameter barrel.. not going to flex much... I did try the clamp system that Scott came up with and could not see any accuracy change... he seemed to see a bit of improvement... I measured and documented the return to zero with and without the system and could see no difference but the measurement increment is so tiny, it's POSSIBLE that there is some. We are talking about the 0.0001" area and the setup was quite difficult with my particular set of tools to eliminate the setup error. In other words, the amount was so small, my measurements were suspect, even though they were near nothing.
Where I HAVE seen improvements is getting the waste air out of the chrono tube and tuning as well as possible to minimize waste air. That apparently doesn't have the same appeal as adding stuff. I'm sidetracking to the DW here but the Ghost can benefit from the tuning part, at least.

Just my $0.02...