FX Giving Sekhmet gen 2 gauges a try...

My small gauge has been on a couple of different rifles. Still works fine with no leaks on either rifle and has not had to be charged for months.
Glad to hear your gauge is ticking along nicely—that's just how it should be! Even though the battery is super durable, we recommend giving it a charge at least every three months to prevent over-discharge, which can take a toll on the battery's lifespan. Nicole
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@ Sekhmet, would this update happen to include a hard reset option without having to let the battery completely drain...
@ Sekhmet, would this update happen to include a hard reset option without having to let the battery completely drain...
Sorry to hear that the update didn't include what you were looking for. However, we've fixed the issue where the regulator mode wouldn't stay on and also made the response speed even snappier.

As for the screen getting stuck, that's a hardware issue with the screen itself, so it can't be resolved through a firmware update.
I bought 2 Sekhmet gauges for each of my FX's. M2 and M3. Zero issues with either, after about a year of use.
Recharge every so often and life is good. Not sure if they are G-1 or 2, but believe they are G-1(?).
Sekhmet monitors this forum and seem to have gotten their poop together with Nicole kinda running the show.


Hey Mike, Thanks for the positive review on our Sekhmet gauges! It's great to hear they're performing well for you. And Yes, a very good point: keep up with the regular charging ( like every three months) and they should keep ticking along nicely.

We're all about customer feedback, and we aim to respond to emails within 48 hours. However, we understand that not everyone knows our website or contact info, especially if you bought from a dealer. That's why we also check in on forums like this from time to time, and we want to ensure everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts without feeling like they're being watched, so we don't frequent the forum too often. Usually every 1 to 2 months to see how we can help.

So if you guys need anything, just drop me a line or shoot us an email. That way, you'll get a quicker response. Cheers,Nicole
I bought a 2nd generation 28 mm gauge almost 10 days ago.
Charging for 2 hours at 100% , but and immediately after that the screen froze.
I had to wait until the next day for the battery to be totally discharged.
I charged the battery again from 0 to 100 and the problem was solved,
But another problem arose.
The battery drains very fast even if I set the unit to 2 minutes standby and 10 sec screen off.
In 4 days the battery reached 78 percent during which time I used it for around max 30 minutes.
Also the unit shutdown by herself twice .
That is my own experience with the product ( not to good) and I will see I'm going how to solve these problems with Nicole from Sekhmet .
I hope for a positive outcome
I bought a 2nd generation 28 mm gauge almost 10 days ago.
Charging for 2 hours at 100% , but and immediately after that the screen froze.
I had to wait until the next day for the battery to be totally discharged.
I charged the battery again from 0 to 100 and the problem was solved,
But another problem arose.
The battery drains very fast even if I set the unit to 2 minutes standby and 10 sec screen off.
In 4 days the battery reached 78 percent during which time I used it for around max 30 minutes.
Also the unit shutdown by herself twice .
That is my own experience with the product ( not to good) and I will see I'm going how to solve these problems with Nicole from Sekhmet .
I hope for a positive outcome
Now you'll have to make your second post on this forum about a product you've had a positive experience with to even things out. Right now it's 1 post that's negative..
Now you'll have to make your second post on this forum about a product you've had a positive experience with to even things out. Right now it's 1 post that's negative..
The above post is not a review, it is my experience with a product sold and produced by Sekhmet and posted on a topic related to this product.
It is not a negative review but a personal experience.
Yes, it is Negative for now.
I emailed Nicole yesterday and I'm waiting for her reply. I hope it will be a positive answer, especially since the company gives the product a 2-year warranty.
I paid $100 per gauge and it is normal to receive a functional product.
When I find something positive, I'll definitely come back with a new post.
For now my experience is obviously negative.
By the way, even though the 28mm gauge that I initially bought is obviously a manufacturing defect, although I knew this, in the meantime I ordered the 25mm gauge also from them, as proof that I still trust their products.
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I paid $100 per gauge and it is normal to receive a functional product.
When I find something positive, I'll definitely come back with a new post.
For now my experience is obviously negative.
By the way, even though the 28mm gauge that I initially bought is obviously a manufacturing defect, although I knew this, in the meantime I ordered the 25mm gauge also from them, as proof that I still trust their products.
My point that I'm making on the thread I started is, you had one post (at the time) and it was negative. The only other posts you have on this forum are also about sekhmet. You just copied and pasted your complaint here on the other persons thread as well. huh