thank you for the link ,i purchase a 22 cal yesterday from kelly.The best, I have 3 Hubens;
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thank you for the link ,i purchase a 22 cal yesterday from kelly.The best, I have 3 Hubens;
I can relate, I just turned 72. I can't take the italics off sorry, senior error.sorry did not intend on aggravating you or anyone , i was not even interested in the Huben pistol , till i saw that stocks were being made for it , i can not hit crap with a pistol , but with a stock i am now really considering , so far i have read 5 pages from the link you provided, i am 75 years old , & don't know if i will live long enough to read all 100 pages , it would not leave me enough time to shoot, right now i am waiting to see if i win the bid on a electric guitar, if i don't , most likely will buy the Huben.
My apologies for the testiness. Most folks hate Monday but for me it’s Friday. Still, read as much as you can, especially regarding the use of correctly sized pellets or slugs. We probably should have a condensed guide that addresses the major issues. It’s a lot to expect anyone to digest 100 pages.sorry did not intend on aggravating you or anyone , i was not even interested in the Huben pistol , till i saw that stocks were being made for it , i can not hit crap with a pistol , but with a stock i am now really considering , so far i have read 5 pages from the link you provided, i am 75 years old , & don't know if i will live long enough to read all 100 pages , it would not leave me enough time to shoot, right now i am waiting to see if i win the bid on a electric guitar, if i don't , most likely will buy the Huben..
I recommend no seating of pelletsI can relate, I just turned 72. I can't take the italics off sorry, senior error.Obviously I'm a Huben and fanboy so take what I say with a grain of salt. I don't know your shooting environment or your physical strength. I really like my K1, I live in a California suburb where the lots average about 7000 sq' and I still shoot it in my yard, no suppressor, but tuned well down. When I go to the indoor range or the wide open spaces I can easily kick it up a notch. It's a very versatile gun. That said, it has significantly more bulk than the pistol. Therefore at our age a pistol with a folder is very compelling product, simply from a size and weight factor. I would chose pistol and go through to buy it, add a folder and get the attachment parts from . Light, powerful and you can easily resell it if you don't like it.
Be sure and go to youtube to review krazcool's support videos, this is important. There are 2 common user errors with the pistol and the carbine for that matter. Allowing the magazine release lever to slam back on its own, it won't be long before it breaks, trust me. #2 be sure you seed the pellets properly and rotate the magazine before shooting. Make sure it rotates smoothly scanning for potential jams before you fire. If you get a jam, stop, don't fire it again, go to youtube, search GK1 jams. Kelly has a video on loading the GK1 properly, please watch it. I learned to tear down my Hubens because I made these mistakes and a few other bone head mistakes. Gregor is the father of GK1s, subscribe to his channel/library he knows his stuff. Lastly, the pistol is really loud, you will more than likely need a suppressor. Everyone has a suppressor opinion and that's fine, here's mine. The OEM looks great but, many love it, but I'm not impressed by it's performance. I have a number of suppressors, IMO and I've put a meter to all my suppressed guns, this suppressor out performs them all. Its simple to add or subtract baffles modulating the noise level less or more as required. And this feature is big, it's easy to clean. Ya it's pricier and I added a 5th baffle to further reduce the noise. Noise suppression is #1 on my have to have add on list. I don't want my neighbors complaining and asking me to quit backyard shooting. I absolutely love sitting in my yard, watching sports on my outdoor TV, on-line gambling, drinkin a beer and killin paper, it's freakin nirvana. My apologies to the morality police.
I don't want to lose that privilege, so suppressor cost is a non-issue to me. Get the GK1 and the guitar then strum between shooting sessions. I think you would agree that at our age mental exercise is job 1, there is no such thing as too much. Good luck.
Another add. Eventually purchasing a chronograph might be a good idea because the GK's power is easily adjusted. I turned both of mine down to 700 FPS for 2 reasons. Again the noise factor but also to add more shots. 700 FPS will kill most paper or clang a metal target and you'll get more shots. I have this FX chrony Gen 1 and it works fine for my needs, I'm not an engineer, I just use it to tune and test. Others will chime in with their chrony thoughts. You should be able to find it used from someone reputable on this classified site or new here; I think chronys come in handy.I can relate, I just turned 72. I can't take the italics off sorry, senior error.Obviously I'm a Huben and fanboy so take what I say with a grain of salt. I don't know your shooting environment or your physical strength. I really like my K1, I live in a California suburb where the lots average about 7000 sq' and I still shoot it in my yard, no suppressor, but tuned well down. When I go to the indoor range or the wide open spaces I can easily kick it up a notch. It's a very versatile gun. That said, it has significantly more bulk than the pistol. Therefore at our age a pistol with a folder is very compelling product, simply from a size and weight factor. I would chose pistol and go through to buy it, add a folder and get the attachment parts from . Light, powerful and you can easily resell it if you don't like it.
Be sure and go to youtube to review krazcool's support videos, this is important. There are 2 common user errors with the pistol and the carbine for that matter. Allowing the magazine release lever to slam back on its own, it won't be long before it breaks, trust me. #2 be sure you seed the pellets properly and rotate the magazine before shooting. Make sure it rotates smoothly scanning for potential jams before you fire. If you get a jam, stop, don't fire it again, go to youtube, search GK1 jams. Kelly has a video on loading the GK1 properly, please watch it. I learned to tear down my Hubens because I made these mistakes and a few other bone head mistakes. Gregor is the father of GK1s, subscribe to his channel/library he knows his stuff. Lastly, the pistol is really loud, you will more than likely need a suppressor. Everyone has a suppressor opinion and that's fine, here's mine. The OEM looks great but, many love it, but I'm not impressed by it's performance. I have a number of suppressors, IMO and I've put a meter to all my suppressed guns, this suppressor out performs them all. Its simple to add or subtract baffles modulating the noise level less or more as required. And this feature is big, it's easy to clean. Ya it's pricier and I added a 5th baffle to further reduce the noise. Noise suppression is #1 on my have to have add on list. I don't want my neighbors complaining and asking me to quit backyard shooting. I absolutely love sitting in my yard, watching sports on my outdoor TV, on-line gambling, drinkin a beer and killin paper, it's freakin nirvana. My apologies to the morality police.
I don't want to lose that privilege, so suppressor cost is a non-issue to me. Get the GK1 and the guitar then strum between shooting sessions. I think you would agree that at our age mental exercise is job 1, there is no such thing as too much. Good luck.
Since Weevil is shy let me repost his very good take on the best pellets for the GK and why he does not seat. It needs repeating.I recommend no seating of pellets10000 jam free shots and counting.
Therein lies the rub. We all have different advice and tips.
My apologies for the testiness. Most folks hate Monday but for me it’s Friday. Still, read as much as you can, especially regarding the use of correctly sized pellets or slugs. We probably should have a condensed guide that addresses the major issues. It’s a lot to expect anyone to digest 100 pages.
Best of luck.
thank you , i read all of your post's also, & i thought i was done buying airguns last year , & along came the GK1 ,& i fell head first down into the rabbit hole again.Another add. Eventually purchasing a chronograph might be a good idea because the GK's power is easily adjusted. I turned both of mine down to 700 FPS for 2 reasons. Again the noise factor but also to add more shots. 700 FPS will kill most paper or clang a metal target and you'll get more shots. I have this FX chrony Gen 1 and it works fine for my needs, I'm not an engineer, I just use it to tune and test. Others will chime in with their chrony thoughts. You should be able to find it used from someone reputable on this classified site or new here; I think chronys come in handy.
Many thanks wgd. My transition to not-seating was actually derived from the technical advice of @steve-l. My understanding is that he also does not seat lead pellets and has trouble-free operation. I’ll let him fill you in.Since Weevil is shy let me repost his very good take on the best pellets for the GK and why he does not seat. It needs repeating. My assumption was many GK newbies would purchase a less costly lead pellet at first, like I did. 3X as much as lead pellets could scare someone off. At the time immediately following my jam, I checked Weevil's story with Kelly and he fully agreed with him, GTOs don't jam. Per Weevil
"GTOs. I have no issue with lead, it’s all based on performance and ease of use:
1. They are very hard. This means I can push them in to the stock gate without pressing down the plastic flange, which can bend the skirts of softer lead pellets. They require no seating and will not move from the back of mag as it rotates. This makes for very quick loading and zero jams/hiccups in 10k rounds.
2. They are very accurate. Because they sit tight and are hard, they do not get damaged by the violent act of mag rotation or shooting from the mag into the barrel. I discovered that benefit with the K1 rifle and found it was more pronounced with the GK1. They never yield flyers and shoot sub-MOA from this pistol.
3. Light weight can be beneficial, if it’s heavy enough. 16 (or less) grain lead pellets are too flimsy for this pistol and get chewed up, generating inaccuracy and wild flyers. In .22, the lightest lead pellet that I find acceptable is the (harder lead than JSB) JTS 18.1. I still see bent skirts in the mag and the target (soft duct seal) and get flyers as a result. I also find that all Hubens shoot more accurately at higher speeds, 880 and above. That’s a lot of FPE with an 18.1, but only 21fpe with the 11.75 grain GTOs. Lots of guys want big power but, for me, 21fpe is plenty. Also, the GTOs have the same BC as JSB Hades - validated at the UA range using their fancy chrony. They shoot very flat from 28-45y and are useful out to 60 or 70y. Shooting at 900fps/21fpe, I can shoot a mag with an ES of ~8 from 260bar then refill and reload. That better than many regulated guns and contributes to their crazy accuracy. Finally, lower power = less noise and less recoil/flip, the latter of which also means better accuracy. In summary, I find I can do more of what I want with less, aside from the cost!
Downsides. Cost is 3X that of regular pellets. I buy sleeves from UA and get a discount but they’re still pricey, but worth it to me. Other downside is that because they are so hard, they don’t expand. I can pick them out of duct seal and they look completely undamaged, aside from rifling marks. I could probably shoot them again and again but I don’t. If they hit metal, they flatten right out. Either way, since I shoot a lot in my yard, it makes for easy cleanup. Regarding pesting, many would be leery of their inability to expand, but in practice, I have found them to be just as effective, in terms of DRT, as Hades etc."
I don't seat them either. Just let em fly! But I cheat with my gateMany thanks wgd. My transition to not-seating was actually derived from the technical advice of @steve-l. My understanding is that he also does not seat lead pellets and has trouble-free operation. I’ll let him fill you in.
One screw on top is a degas that nobody uses cause it doesn’t reseal well. The other (as I recall) appeared on the later model. Neither needs to be handy. The ones in the notch are 1st and 2nd stage trigger weight.I've been following this thread and am going to try and design a part for a pic rail and have a friend who is a machinist make for me. My question is, and I can't find the answer in the owners manual, what are the two set screws on the back of the receiver house for? There is a notch in the grip for adjustment, is that for trigger adjustment? I'm trying to find out if I need to leave access to these screws or can they be covered with an after market part.
Those adjust the trigger.I've been following this thread and am going to try and design a part for a pic rail and have a friend who is a machinist make for me. My question is, and I can't find the answer in the owners manual, what are the two set screws on the back of the receiver house for? There is a notch in the grip for adjustment, is that for trigger adjustment? I'm trying to find out if I need to leave access to these screws or can they be covered with an after market part.
What's very strange on my V3 is I don't have the second screw on top. The only screw I have is the degas. My serial number starts with 22GK 12024B*****One screw on top is a degas that nobody uses cause it doesn’t reseal well. The other (as I recall) appeared on the later model. Neither needs to be handy. The ones in the notch are 1st and 2nd stage trigger weight.
Mixed bag, I haven't been able to discern by serial or version number.What's very strange on my V3 is I don't have the second screw on top. The only screw I have is the degas. My serial number starts with 22GK 12024B*****
V3 is above the serial number. So when ordering the rear mount adapter I went with the original as instructed by 3Dparts. Maybe the letter B after 2024 is a clue. Maybe the second screw on top started with a "C" designation? I don't know, but it's different than I was expecting.
i really like the stock you have & the riser..Bruhhhh…. Just installed @M0ist0ne ’s double pic rail adapter! This is so fire it’s unreal. Hooked up with Strike Industries dual folding stock and cheek riser. My only complaint is I’m gonna have to mill something to give it some extra vertical as it’s ultra compact but it still sits really low so it’s hard to have the dot even visible without really scrunching your head down.
Also I just have to mention, this was an EXTREMELY easy install.
Edit [update] -> I’ve been playing around with it and gotten used to the positioning much more now and it feels pretty good.
View attachment 439151
View attachment 439152
That one is a nice stock too, ?Bruhhhh…. Just installed @M0ist0ne ’s double pic rail adapter! This is so fire it’s unreal. Hooked up with Strike Industries dual folding stock and cheek riser. My only complaint is I’m gonna have to mill something to give it some extra vertical as it’s ultra compact but it still sits really low so it’s hard to have the dot even visible without really scrunching your head down.
Also I just have to mention, this was an EXTREMELY easy install.
Edit [update] -> I’ve been playing around with it and gotten used to the positioning much more now and it feels pretty good.
View attachment 439151
View attachment 439152
That one is a nice stock too, ?
hi guess i snoozed & loozed , if the other buyer changes mind , i will take it , sent you a DMI just posted a second they sent me-> (save $80)
Original manufacturer->
Without the brace->