Other GK1 vs Leishy 2 250

Creo que el gatillo es su punto más débil, aunque, como dijo PasadenaMike, con la práctica se puede superar el problema del gatillo. Puedo disparar con regularidad grupos de 1/2 pulgada a 50-60 yardas. El Leshiy original también tenía un gatillo regular, pero había un resorte y una bola de acero en el mercado de accesorios que se podían hacer para mejorarlo, algo así como un gatillo de 2 etapas. Un agarre firme y un compromiso total funcionan bastante bien para mí con el L2.
Exactamente, cuando le coges el tranquilo no hay problema con el gatillo, la leshy2 bien ajustada es muy precisa y hay que cogerla bien en el hombro.
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not even a letter to Santa can help you out with that one...
The L2 is a piece of engineering and that comes with a price...
Yes I get that, but the price has gone up (here in the EU) since the whole RU/Ukraine thing. That’s what I meant with ‘influence price’.

The rifle is an artwork for sure, but I’m not paying hunderds of euro’s extra because of political issues..
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In answer to the threads initial question, there are no faults with the GK1. The fixed mag is a non issue. However, why do you want a pistol if you really need a rifle?

First of all thank you all for the many replies. It seems that the GK1 is really the go-to option between the two, specially because I can get it for almost half the price of the L2. Is there a place where i can buy aftermarket parts for the gk1 in europe? Like those 3d-printed parts? Even though I would prefer is they were in metal.

About steve-i question, I already have 2 rifles, an Uragan 2 600 and an FX dreamline tactical bottle 500. For now I'm ok in that department, both shoot really great without any problems and really accurate. Thousands of pellets between both.
I was looking into adding a small and light gun/rifle to my "stable" to use mostly offhand and carry in a backpack mainly for hunting and have fun. I thought about converting my dreamline to compact with a folding stock, but I like it the way its now. I lookied into other options but there is something about this 2 that "call" me.

And I always wanted a semi-auto, they seem fun, If i can have one, why not....
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En primer lugar, gracias a todos por las numerosas respuestas. Parece que la GK1 es realmente la opción preferida entre las dos, especialmente porque puedo conseguirla por casi la mitad del precio de la L2. ¿Hay algún lugar donde pueda comprar piezas de recambio para la GK1 en Europa? ¿Como esas piezas impresas en 3D? Aunque preferiría que fueran de metal.

Sobre la pregunta de steve-i, ya tengo 2 rifles, un Uragan 2 600 y un FX dreamline tactical bottle 500. Por ahora estoy bien en ese aspecto, ambos disparan muy bien sin ningún problema y son muy precisos. Miles de balines entre ambos.
Estaba pensando en añadir un rifle o arma pequeña y liviana a mi "equipo" para usarla principalmente de manera informal y llevarla en una mochila principalmente para cazar y divertirme. Pensé en convertir mi Dreamline en una compacta con una culata plegable, pero me gusta como está ahora. Analicé otras opciones, pero hay algo en estas dos que me "llama".

Y siempre quise una semiautomática, parecen divertidas, si puedo tener una, por qué no....
En ese caso, compra la GK1, le adaptas una culata plegable un punto rojo o visor compacto y no te arrepentirás.
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The GK1 looks like a winner the only thing that stops me from getting one is the non removable magazine.
That made me get rid of mine for now. I need it to be on the ready but not locked and loaded. So it had to be kept put up because it was loaded. The rest of mine on the ready just need a mag inserted. Trying to get my keepers sorted and will get a GK1 in .177.
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Having owned a GK1 as well as got the chance to shoot the L2 on 2 separate occasions. Hands dow. The GK1 is the way to go without a doubt.

The L2 feels very weird and clunky by comparison, the trigger feels almost like it has a lag, so follow through is pretty much a requirement. You would also need to upgrade to the carbon fiber bottle to get as many shots as the GK1 does with the same power output because the airtube the base L2 has won't get you as many shots on decent power.
the Huben style “always ready to rock and roll” design makes me nervous. Fold the Leshiy youre 100% safe. We’re human. One lapse in concentration is all it’ll take to have an accident. I’m sleep deprived from work and kids so the Leshiy works for me.
Every gun is loaded. It is always treated as such.
@MJMDP I had exactly the same question as you: I wanted a smaller fun gun for quick shorter distance ratting. I have an impact M3 for longer range, but it’s become quite heavy due to a lot of modifications.
First I thought about the GK1. I really love the idea of a powerful pistol. But it’s pricy for what it is (in my opinion). For a few hundred euro more you have a Leshiy 2… But then I fell into the rabbit hole and splurged on extra options for my Leshiy 😂 So in the end it’s an expensive rifle. But I do love it, it handles great, shoots great and it looks gorgeous. The trigger is different from my impact, but it doesn’t bother me: I can shoot accurately with it with some practice. So I’m happy with my purchase.
The principal reason for choosing the Leshiy instead of the GK1 is accuracy: I want it to be accurate up to 50m for small targets (rats). So I need a stock and a scope. You could fit those on a GK1, but then it defeats the purpose in my opinion. I’d prefer a GK1 with a red dot and without stock.
But I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time before I purchase the GK1 as well, it just looks too much fun!
On a serious note besides the earlier comment I made about going down the rabbit hole. I own both the Leshiy 2 with .25cal/.30cal barrels and a Huben GK1 in .22cal. Here are some pros and cons between both;

Trigger (GK1):
The GK1 wins hands down. Mine came in at 14.2 ounces out of the box. I might set it a little heavier. Mine doubled when I loosely held it testing the trigger pull with my Lyman Trigger Pull Gauge.

Trigger (L2):
I haven't tested the trigger pull weight on my L2 yet. If I had to guess, I would say it's about 5-6 lbs. I would compare it to a mil-spec AR-15 trigger but not gritty with a little mushy pull. You will hear air releasing if you try to press the trigger slowly. You do have to get use to it for accurate shots at longer ranges.

Magazine (GK1):
Although it's a fixed magazine, the GK1 offers a 19 shot capacity in .22cal and 17 shots in .25cal. That's more than double compared to the L2. Depending on what power level and what pressure you fill to on the GK1 is where it would matter. Magazine loading gates are available for the GK1 to load more than 2 at a time. I did buy an Ares Tactical Loading Gate but haven't installed it yet. I'm still using the factory Huben Loading Gate with no problems.

Magazine (L2):
The removable magazine on the L2 is definitely an advantage. If you're just shooting at paper and in you're in no rush, it wouldn't matter so much. If you're shooting for time, multiple targets, or you have an endless amount of pest to shoot at, a removable magazine is an advantage. There are also several speed loaders available for the L2 if you want to leave the magazine in place.

Safety-wise, the L2 is a better platform. You can remove the magazine or for an added layer of safety, you could remove the stock/air cylinder completely. With the GK1, you will either have to push the remaining pellets/slugs out the front or shoot them out to render it safe. With my GK1, if I leave it loaded, I index the magazine with 2 empty slots. When I'm ready to shoot, I rotate the magazine so it shoots the first shot.

Platform (GK1):
First off, it's a pistol. Yes, you could add a stock and make it into a mini-carbine. Accounting for length of pull is easier with the GK1 compared to the L2. It just depends on what stock you get. I'm not sure if you could swap out magazines/cylinder between .22cal and .25cal. and it might be more involved. Also, barrel swapping is not as straight forward. I don't know enough yet about caliber swaps and maybe it might be easier than I'm thinking. Maybe someone else can chime in on this. Me personally, I like using mine set up as a pistol but I'm not opposed to adding a stock to it just to try it out.

Platform (L2):
The Leshiy 2 is a rifle/carbine. There's no way to convert it to a pistol because it uses the stock as an air source. The L2 is a very customizable platform. From different calibers (.177, .22, .25, .30, and 9mm) and different barrel lengths to choose from. Handguards/forends are available in different lengths and materials (carbon fiber, aluminum). Pistol grip is AR-15 compatible without the beaver tail. Mounting optics is easier on the L2 compared to the GK1. Adjusting for length of pull on the L2 is not as easy compared to the GK1 due to the fact that the stock is used as an air source.

Loudness (GK1 vs. L2):
My GK1 is in .22cal. My L2 is set up in .30cal/350mm right now but I also have .25cal barrels in different lengths. Not really a comparison to .22cal. Just from other owner's reviews, I would say that the L2 is louder than the GK1. When I first shot my GK1 with the factory Huben Shaddow moderator, I was really surprised at how quiet it was. Again, maybe other owners could chime in on this.

Accuracy (GK1 vs. L2):
I haven't had enough time invested in this yet to give an honest opinion. I also haven't mounted a magnified optic on my GK1 to know its true potential.

These are just some of my thoughts. This post is getting a little long winded and I'm just gonna stop here for now.
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My GK1 has turned into my go to hunting rig for targets up to 60 yards. I have to say the quality of the trigger weight/break makes those long shots a whole lot more likely. The size/weight makes for a perfect walk and stalk hunter.
Huben GK1.jpeg
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