Glimpse of Invasive Iguanas

You can look up reproduction but to me you’re looking at this through a narrow lense. Depending on who is presenting there are 6 to 9 m wild hogs in the US spread over 35 plus states. Iguanas area south Florida issue. And yes oral contraceptives are being studied. I didn’t say lay down poison.

  • Oral contraceptives currently undergoing laboratory research; (Implementation of an effective contraceptive formula would be most effective if distributed by use of a feed delivery system, strategically located in feral hog habitat for consumption. There is no cost-effective strategy of trapping, sterilizing and releasing feral hogs back into the wild.)
I have no idea how many HOSPs there are but I have only seen one in my yard or nearby my yard in months and it is dead now. I think air gunners could reduce the population of lizards, just one prong of a multi prong program. We are still battling nutria in Louisiana. Total eradication is probably not possible without some sort of selective viral introduction or targeted (pun!) control methods. But then is that not how the zombie movies always get their brain eater's, some sort of engineered virus gone wrong :eek:.

Feral hogs are a different issue in that some few "hunters" are spreading them intentionally. They are removed and suddenly they are back. It is a complicated subject. Hogs are wily, reproduce rapidly and are more difficult to hunt that you might think. Imagine if air gunners eliminated iguanas and then went and released some more so they could hunt them. And both hogs and iguanas are edible.

And I hunt hogs down in Oklahoma, hunting hogs is not legal in Kansas, so there are not any or very few feral hogs. Hmmm.
As i recall over 12 million pigs in Denmark ( not counting cops ) but not a single wild hog here.
It is also the only reason as to why there is a 4-5 feet tall border fence between Denmark and Germany, CUZ they do have wild hogs down there and we do not want them up here endangering the big Danish export of pigs.

There are 3 pest birds here it seem, dowes - seagulls and swallows.
And i will agree it seem like we will have to rename seagulls to towngulls CUZ there are nothing in the costal waters for seagulls the super intensive farming here have taken care of that, or maybe finding food in cities are just more easy.

You absolutely can NOT ! go shooting any of them, you need to be a professional,,,,, meaning you have a 4 day course in using poison, mainly on rats.