I kept searching and finally found this and should work very well.
I found one that printed very nicely. I printed it hot and slow with extreamly small layers to make sure they fuse together very well with 100% infill. Its in .22 so should work well for .177, .20, and .22.
The settings I used were:
.4mm nozzle but line width set to .5mm to force into nooks and crannies.
Layer hight set to .08mm since the layer hight is about the same as smoke it took about 24 hours.
bed temp 65 degrees C
filament was printed at 215 degrees C wanted it to fuse to the prior layer so set to 10 degrees over normal temp.
has 20 top and bottem and 3 walls
I tried my best to break it with bare hands and I couldn’t even make it flex so it should work very well even with higher powered guns, but with this lower temp plastic the guys with powder burners will probably burn out the centers fast.
Now all I need to do is find a sleeve with the inside ½ UNF, the outside about 16mm with a length of 28mm to force into the hole and melt into place or glue into place. If anyone has an idea where I can get a couple of these please let me know otherwise the local machine shop should be able to make one for me