I picked up one of these for $339 on Amazon Prime day. I like it so far, but only use it to refill an S200 cylinder maybe 4 times a week. It takes less time than I thought it would, and the temp on the display never gets above 79 F. I have not timed it, but it can't be over 2 minutes. My rules are to: never start the compressor under pressure AND right before the auto-off shuts the compressor off, I open the bleed valve, then turn off the compressor. So essentially I never start or stop the compressor under pressure. My room ambient temp. is usually under 70F, and my RH is usually around 30% in the summer, so I am thinking the little white filter is good enough for now. Also, it is smaller than I thought it would be, and my wife says it is quieter than my 150lb shop compressor, which surprised me.