Good offhand rifle—point & shoot!

What you’re describing is the Daystate revere. I own a regal ultralight in 25 caliber. The only difference is mine has a bolt and the new one has a side lever. They both come with fantastically beautiful walnut stocks. And they feel like you’re holding a real rifle. And they don’t weigh 9 pounds. And they have wonderful triggers and they are quiet. I think I could whack a squirrel with mine 9.5 out of 10 times off hand at 40 yards. The 22 would be a good choice also.

15 to 40 yards? Daystate Regal. Very easy to point and shoot and 30fpe. Brocock Compatto and/or Bantam. I don't own either, but have shot them and they also are easy point and shoot guns. If you can find a used Brocock Contour in .22, buy it. This was my 1st pcp and I still hunt with it. Light weight, accurate, quiet, and I've taken coons at 30 yards with head shots and squirrels out to 73 yards. It's only 15fpe, but it's accuracy let's you place the pellet exactly were it needs to be. I love this gun. 


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I bet Thea little Brocock is sweet. AOA had a sale on them as they were going away. I really wanted one but had just bought a Regal. I wish I had of gotten it.

Ok yesterday was a hot one. it got to 118 on my porch. But this post made me think. I set my quadrant on one end of the porch. I shot my Wolverine, my Huntsman one mag then would come in and watch tv. To see which I could hit the 1" spinner more often. The wolverine wins. Then I thought hey I will throw the P-rod in the mix. I am sad to say I can shoot it more accurately offhand @ 23 yards every time. That wasn't what I expected! Pipe wrap to build a check weld and a stock that will wobble. 
Sooo, I need to buy a dozen or so guns! Afterwards you vultures will pick up my discards at bargain prices 😟! I’m on to you....

in the “it really looks like a rifle” category the Revere pulls ahead (it has the better points of the Brococks as well). One review of it made the point of it doesn’t require constant tinkering—it just shoots. Bullpups no clear winner in my mind yet. A compact gun in my increasingly urban setting has appeal, provided I can hit with it. Availability of some of these guns are spotty as well.
What you’re describing is the Daystate Regal [sic] revere. I own a regal ultralight in 25 caliber. The only difference is mine has a bolt and the new one has a side lever. They both come with fantastically beautiful walnut stocks. And they feel like you’re holding a real rifle. And they don’t weigh 9 pounds. And they have wonderful triggers and they are quiet. I think I could whack a squirrel with mine 9.5 out of 10 times off hand at 40 yards. The 22 would be a good choice also.


I agree 100%. A sweetheart of a rifle..point and shoot, not muss no fuss, no tinkering no trouble. Light, great handling, 30 fpe in .22... I'll never give mine up. It is just so right. Nothing to tweak, cock and fire sublimness...
15 to 40 is what I deem short-range, since I have 40+ yards distance in my own backyard. Given that, Offhand shooting is where the Leshiy excels. Mine is now .25 and delivers excellent accuracy freehand with a fixed 4x scope. My Lelya is also a superb offhand shooter- graced with an ACOG-style 4x scope. Anybody that thinks the Lelya is heavy needs to do more than push pencils and type on keyboards; it is my girlfriend's gun of choice when hiking. We spend a lot of time on trails in northern West Virginia (Davis area) and when we go, these are what we bring.
Could be 2 gun deal (know any loan sharks?). Still like Revere but can’t find one & wish shot count were higher. Bullpups harder- looks like .22 Leylas are in stock again but add better moderator past $1,800, wildcats backordered. I’ve been reading reviews & watching YouTube vids of nearly all the recommendations made here. I now have brain damage😢! Missing the good old days of paper clips and rubber bands—and related trips to consult with the principal. I didn’t expect it to win popularity contest but still no love for Steyr? Busy day tomorrow but then back toAG research. I’m probably going to get a compact super quiet CO2 gun for vacation use as well (no air problem) so could be 3 guns. Maybe my wife will look the other way since I Just rebuilt her Jag’s transmission. You guys are supposed to make this easier! Good news is that I’ve learned a lot about guns I’ve never really noticed before, on paper anyway. I envy those of you who have a robust airgun community and can try so many guns before you buy. My few guns were bought on faith so far.