I only post when I do something worth posting nowadays, and I know you guys have seen a lot of the hogs I've killed with my Maverick in the past. Getting a deer has always been on the to do list, but I never saw one I wanted to shoot. I've been watching small bucks and does walk all year, but I decided it was finally time to put some deer meat in the freezer with the Maverick with a good doe(since deer season is almost done here).
I was shooting 90 grain Griffin BT HP in .300 around 950fps. Yes, they have to be single loaded, but they load easy. My Maverick is heavily modified to make that power, and I use a 32" TJs 1:16" twist barrel. I had already decided I was going to do a heart shot(for science), opposed to my usual head shot tactics on hogs. I had 7 does show up, and watched them for about 20 minutes so I knew for sure which one was the largest doe. I picked out the biggest in the group and waited for her to step forward with that front leg and let it fly. My gun is very quiet with the functioning carbon shroud and STO Sarissa High Flow on there, but my buddy 400 yards away in a different stand(bowhunting) heard the bullet hit! She did her "donkey kick" and took off into the trees, but I watched her until she disappeared.
After giving her a few minutes, I walked in the direction she went and walked straight to her. She went about 60 yards, and there wasn't a lot of blood. To be honest, I didn't even look for blood. I just headed in the direction she went. I knew the shot was good, because I could literally see the hole appear on her body when I pulled the trigger(thanks Trijicon), lol. She was laying on her side with a little blood dripping from the hole. I flipped her over, and it was a full pass through, so no luck on recovering the slug. The Griffin 90 grain certainly did what it was meant to do though. I have dropped a lot of critters with those Griffins, and I tend to prefer the boattails. Funny bit of the picture is that the deer is on the tailgate of my Ford Maverick with my FX Maverick. I've been waiting a while to do a "Maverick on Maverick" picture, haha. The doe was probably about 135-140lbs. Not the biggest one ever, but definitely not a yearling.
The best part is I will have some pepper jack summer sausage, pepper jack sausage patties, back strap steaks, hamburger meat, and even bologna soon from this one deer! I can taste it already... Oh, and .30 is legal for deer hunting in GA, and I figured I'd give you guys a deer kill that wasn't a bigger bore
Thanks for reading!
I was shooting 90 grain Griffin BT HP in .300 around 950fps. Yes, they have to be single loaded, but they load easy. My Maverick is heavily modified to make that power, and I use a 32" TJs 1:16" twist barrel. I had already decided I was going to do a heart shot(for science), opposed to my usual head shot tactics on hogs. I had 7 does show up, and watched them for about 20 minutes so I knew for sure which one was the largest doe. I picked out the biggest in the group and waited for her to step forward with that front leg and let it fly. My gun is very quiet with the functioning carbon shroud and STO Sarissa High Flow on there, but my buddy 400 yards away in a different stand(bowhunting) heard the bullet hit! She did her "donkey kick" and took off into the trees, but I watched her until she disappeared.
After giving her a few minutes, I walked in the direction she went and walked straight to her. She went about 60 yards, and there wasn't a lot of blood. To be honest, I didn't even look for blood. I just headed in the direction she went. I knew the shot was good, because I could literally see the hole appear on her body when I pulled the trigger(thanks Trijicon), lol. She was laying on her side with a little blood dripping from the hole. I flipped her over, and it was a full pass through, so no luck on recovering the slug. The Griffin 90 grain certainly did what it was meant to do though. I have dropped a lot of critters with those Griffins, and I tend to prefer the boattails. Funny bit of the picture is that the deer is on the tailgate of my Ford Maverick with my FX Maverick. I've been waiting a while to do a "Maverick on Maverick" picture, haha. The doe was probably about 135-140lbs. Not the biggest one ever, but definitely not a yearling.
The best part is I will have some pepper jack summer sausage, pepper jack sausage patties, back strap steaks, hamburger meat, and even bologna soon from this one deer! I can taste it already... Oh, and .30 is legal for deer hunting in GA, and I figured I'd give you guys a deer kill that wasn't a bigger bore