Got a female this time


Mar 27, 2021
SC, United States
I missed several times with my P35-177 and switched to my P35-22. This is the third I've dropped without a miss. I am not sure it was the 177 but the 22 is a bit more accurate and I think that makes me more confident in it. The previous several have been good sized males, this is a smaller female, 10 ounces. My dog alerted me to a squirrel and I picked up my P35-22 and went out the back door to the porch. I saw this squirrel run rapidly up a good sized oak tree and stop in a crotch pretty high up. I worried about having to use my Arken 6-24 on 8 or 10 power because it's FFP with a fine reticle but this is the third squirrel with it with no problem seeing the crosshairs. My shot landed just below the ear and exited above the leg on the other side. She dropped immediately. Nice when they do that. 21.5 yards (horizontally) and a 30 degree upward angle. Shot it just before 4pm. It just turned much cooler today but has been windy today. I think the cool weather may have made her come out to feed a little early. Usually it's a little later before they show up. But we didn't see any this morning, possibly because of the wind.


It was much easier to skin than the two ~1 lb males that are in the bag with it.
Ain't that the truth!
I can skin a little one, just using a knife, in about 5 minutes. A big ol' male might take me 5 minutes to just get my finger under it's skin enough to start peeling the skin off. I should make one of those skinning racks I've seen.
What's your skinning method? Shirt and pants, start at the hind legs and peel forward, or ____?