Took awhile to get .her up and runnen", it says 3000 psi The pump is a Corelius?tbut before I could disconnect it it pumped up to 4000psi.It took 1/2 hour to pump up a 80cft tank to 3000 psi. I think she OK"

All rusty and beat up. I wouldnt trust it to pump my tanks to 4500psi. Hpa is very dangerous and if that thing goes, kaboom. Just be safe and hide behind a wall or something when it's running.
All rusty and beat up. I wouldnt trust it to pump my tanks to 4500psi. Hpa is very dangerous and if that thing goes, kaboom. Just be safe and hide behind a wall or something when it's running.
All rusty and beat up. I wouldnt trust it to pump my tanks to 4500psi. Hpa is very dangerous and if that thing goes, kaboom. Just be safe and hide behind a wall or something when it's running.
I had it running and the thing fail off the saw hoarse and still kept runnen"and it was on its side" poor thing.