HW/Weihrauch Got my hw97 today.

So after posting a few days ago about getting my first good springer, I decided to order the hw97 from Krale. A few days later it showed up in south Louisiana. I slapped a scope on it and this was the first 5 pellets through the gun straight out of the box, at 20 yards. I had not even sighted it in yet, it was close enough that I decided to shoot a group, needless to say I’m excited. This things a shooter for sure.

Congrats on the new hw97k and nice group. I have tried many pellets and mine also shoots the JSB 10.3s best.
What's the velocity of the 10 grain pellets
Actually, I put it on the chronograph today, and found out it’s shooting around 12 ft lb, so I’m wondering if they sent me the wrong version. I ordered the higher power one, but this thing is shooting extremely tight groups with everything I put in it. I’ll probably shoot the 8.4 for more velocity, and I think they are at least as accurate as the 10.3
Nice! Shoot it in a bit and see where it lands? My recent HW98 started sub 12# and landed at 15# when the piston seal settled. I was also wondering whether I had the wrong model or a bad rifle. I would have never guessed that kind of fpe shift with break in, but I have the chronograph data to support the transformation. My accuracy is exceptional and it appears you also have the same. Break it in and enjoy! Hopefully everything sorts out.