Got the P-17 sighted in

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Deleted member 46449

Well, I was ticked because of my mishap yesterday with my circular saw, so I just setup some 2x8s and three pieces of plywood in the garage to plink at. Tacked the first target up and started sighting in. I'm not really sure what range I should be shooting the P-17, but I started sighting in at about 10' or 11'. With no true backstop in place, I wanted to be certain I didn't shoot up the storage totes behind the wood. LOL! Once I was satisfied I had it pretty well zeroed, I moved back to 17'. That should be pretty close to a 5 meter range. I ended up putting 50 to 60 rounds through it. My last 5 were at a fresh target to see how close I was to being zeroed. I was using a Short Range Sight In target I downloaded off the 'Net and printed out. Of the 5 rounds I fired at the fresh target, I had 4 in the red and one that I'm positive I flinched on. That's a problem I have to work on. I have nerve damage that causes some loss of feeling and strength in my right arm/hand. It also causes a flinch that happens when I try to do tedious stuff. If I get really relaxed, it won't twitch on me, but I know I tensed up on the last shot I fired and I did flinch. So, throw that one round out and I had 4 in the red. Not too bad for this gun and a quickly thrown together type of shooting range in my garage. I definitively have to figure out a better situation to shoot in the garage.

As for the P-17, what a blast! It's a real pleasure shooting that thing. I took some of you guys' suggestions and used a rag to close the thing. I also quickly got into the habit of placing the gun on my thigh when I closed it up. Between those two things, it isn't too awfully bad to load it and cock it. Yes, the trigger seems to be very nice for a $35 gun. I can say that for sure.

I did run into one little glitch and I know how to resolve it. After the first 6 or 8 shots fired, I started having trouble getting the pellet into the barrel. It was as if the skirt was too big. It didn't want to slide in place very easily. I had to really push to get the pellet in. I switched to the pointed pellets and didn't have the same problem. Right now all I have is a cheap sampler pack of Crosman pellets. It has flat, pointed, and hollow points in it. It's not even Premier pellets. I got them given to me with the 1377 I got. I expect if I order some better pellets I won't have the same problem.

But, the gun performed perfectly and I got to spend a little fun time with no cell phones and nobody around to bother me. A nice way to kill a little time on a rainy day!
Well, I was ticked because of my mishap yesterday with my circular saw, so I just setup some 2x8s and three pieces of plywood in the garage to plink at. Tacked the first target up and started sighting in. I'm not really sure what range I should be shooting the P-17, but I started sighting in at about 10' or 11'. With no true backstop in place, I wanted to be certain I didn't shoot up the storage totes behind the wood. LOL! Once I was satisfied I had it pretty well zeroed, I moved back to 17'. That should be pretty close to a 5 meter range. I ended up putting 50 to 60 rounds through it. My last 5 were at a fresh target to see how close I was to being zeroed. I was using a Short Range Sight In target I downloaded off the 'Net and printed out. Of the 5 rounds I fired at the fresh target, I had 4 in the red and one that I'm positive I flinched on. That's a problem I have to work on. I have nerve damage that causes some loss of feeling and strength in my right arm/hand. It also causes a flinch that happens when I try to do tedious stuff. If I get really relaxed, it won't twitch on me, but I know I tensed up on the last shot I fired and I did flinch. So, throw that one round out and I had 4 in the red. Not too bad for this gun and a quickly thrown together type of shooting range in my garage. I definitively have to figure out a better situation to shoot in the garage.

As for the P-17, what a blast! It's a real pleasure shooting that thing. I took some of you guys' suggestions and used a rag to close the thing. I also quickly got into the habit of placing the gun on my thigh when I closed it up. Between those two things, it isn't too awfully bad to load it and cock it. Yes, the trigger seems to be very nice for a $35 gun. I can say that for sure.

I did run into one little glitch and I know how to resolve it. After the first 6 or 8 shots fired, I started having trouble getting the pellet into the barrel. It was as if the skirt was too big. It didn't want to slide in place very easily. I had to really push to get the pellet in. I switched to the pointed pellets and didn't have the same problem. Right now all I have is a cheap sampler pack of Crosman pellets. It has flat, pointed, and hollow points in it. It's not even Premier pellets. I got them given to me with the 1377 I got. I expect if I order some better pellets I won't have the same problem.

But, the gun performed perfectly and I got to spend a little fun time with no cell phones and nobody around to bother me. A nice way to kill a little time on a rainy day!
get some 8.44 fx pellets mine loves them
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Well, I was ticked because of my mishap yesterday with my circular saw, so I just setup some 2x8s and three pieces of plywood in the garage to plink at. Tacked the first target up and started sighting in. I'm not really sure what range I should be shooting the P-17, but I started sighting in at about 10' or 11'. With no true backstop in place, I wanted to be certain I didn't shoot up the storage totes behind the wood. LOL! Once I was satisfied I had it pretty well zeroed, I moved back to 17'. That should be pretty close to a 5 meter range. I ended up putting 50 to 60 rounds through it. My last 5 were at a fresh target to see how close I was to being zeroed. I was using a Short Range Sight In target I downloaded off the 'Net and printed out. Of the 5 rounds I fired at the fresh target, I had 4 in the red and one that I'm positive I flinched on. That's a problem I have to work on. I have nerve damage that causes some loss of feeling and strength in my right arm/hand. It also causes a flinch that happens when I try to do tedious stuff. If I get really relaxed, it won't twitch on me, but I know I tensed up on the last shot I fired and I did flinch. So, throw that one round out and I had 4 in the red. Not too bad for this gun and a quickly thrown together type of shooting range in my garage. I definitively have to figure out a better situation to shoot in the garage.

As for the P-17, what a blast! It's a real pleasure shooting that thing. I took some of you guys' suggestions and used a rag to close the thing. I also quickly got into the habit of placing the gun on my thigh when I closed it up. Between those two things, it isn't too awfully bad to load it and cock it. Yes, the trigger seems to be very nice for a $35 gun. I can say that for sure.

I did run into one little glitch and I know how to resolve it. After the first 6 or 8 shots fired, I started having trouble getting the pellet into the barrel. It was as if the skirt was too big. It didn't want to slide in place very easily. I had to really push to get the pellet in. I switched to the pointed pellets and didn't have the same problem. Right now all I have is a cheap sampler pack of Crosman pellets. It has flat, pointed, and hollow points in it. It's not even Premier pellets. I got them given to me with the 1377 I got. I expect if I order some better pellets I won't have the same problem.

But, the gun performed perfectly and I got to spend a little fun time with no cell phones and nobody around to bother me. A nice way to kill a little time on a rainy day!
Glad you're enjoying it and getting it down to an art. Agree it's an astonishingly good trigger for the price of the gun. Never had issues with pellets loading difficult because of head shape. Even wad cutter match pellets load OK in mine. An issue I still have (rarely) with my P-17 is that it does not 100% latch when I close the cocking/slide. It will still safely shoot like this but will open about 1/4" when fired. A good firm "slap" on the close I find is required. If you're shooting 5m try some dedicated 5m targets is you don't have any. Free downloads:
Regards, Badger
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get some 8.44 fx pellets mine loves them

OK. I just bookmarked a couple of sites that have them. I appreciate that info. I'll probably run a few of these cheap Crosman hollow points through it while I'm waiting. I ran flat, pointed, and hollow points through it today. It didn't seem to matter which I put it in. Didn't have any flyers other than my own twitching. LOL! I'm going to have to dream up a better indoor range for the garage. Today was just an exercise to see if I could get it zeroed anywhere near close.

I do know that if you're going to shoot at plywood in a close space, shoot at an older, damp piece and not a nice new piece. I had quite a few ricochet around the garage shooting at a new piece. I dug around in my scrap wood pile and found an older piece that had been a little wet and was soft. LOL!
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Glad you're enjoying it and getting it down to an art. Agree it's an astonishingly good trigger for the price of the gun. Never had issues with pellets loading difficult because of head shape. Even wad cutter match pellets load OK in mine. An issue I still have (rarely) with my P-17 is that it does not 100% latch when I close the cocking/slide. It will still safely shoot like this but will open about 1/4" when fired. A good firm "slap" on the close I find is required. If you're shooting 5m try some dedicated 5m targets is you don't have any. Free downloads:
Regards, Badger

Yeah. I forgot to mention that. I did have that happen three times. What I finally ended up doing was running my thumb up the trigger (latch) as soon as I closed it. Almost every time I did it, I moved the trigger (latch) about 1/8" to 1/4" further closed. That stopped mine from kicking open. I was pretty sure it wasn't supposed to kick open. LOL! And I'll admit it. When it happened the first time I thought, "Oh, crap. What did I do?" After a little checking it seemed to be OK so, I kept shooting.

I'll also say that I'm going to be the bad neighbor. I made sure both garage doors were fully opened before I started shooting. Anybody that drove or walked by could clearly see me with the gun in my hands, aiming carefully towards the front corner of my garage From the street, it might have looked like I was aiming outside the garage. Hey, at my age, anything for a few kicks. Right?

That's the exact site I downloaded several targets from. Today I used both the single, 10m Airgun Target and the Short Range Sight In Target. At 17' the sight kind of obscured the center of the targets, but not so much I couldn't get along. I think I'm going to try a couple of the plain ovals next shoot. It'll burn a lot of ink to print them so, I'll use them sparingly. Dad gummed ink for printers is outrageous.
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Get some pellgun oil and oil the piston. Mine was dry out of the b...package.

I did a thorough cleaning and lube job right after I got it. Mine had big globs of grease all over the insides. I cleaned most of it off, but then I used Pellgunoil to lube things. Then a thorough wipe down. I did rod the barrel and the first patch came out covered in brown dust/dirt of some kind. I was glad I took the time to clean it.
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Much better:
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I have two of these, and honestly, they just shoot basically ANYTHING pretty well. As a laugh, I even bought some round ball, and the darn things shoot it reasonably well.

I do like my P11 and HW75 better, of course, but, I mean, you can buy 10 of the P17's for the price of ONE of those without the pistol RDS on it. (And you KNOW they deserve a good RDS...)

I did use sugru on one of the grips to make it more 'target' style. Feels pretty great and has held up well for 5+ years now.
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Mine shoots those Daisy wad cutters, and other inexpensive pellets too. Or at least it doesn’t matter so much as I sway like I’ve had a few too many.

Have you, or anybody else, tried using any of the really lightweight pellets in it? I looked at some heavyweight and some lightweight pellets, but since I know very little about all of this at this point I didn't order anything yet. I was just wondering how it would handle pellets on either end of the weight scale. Since I'll only be using this gun for some fun plinking and not for hunting or any distance shooting, I wondered if I should look into something other than normal weight pellets.

You got that right! Today I just used a folded rag, but I think I'll try a glove to see how that works for me. You definitely need something to aid cocking the thing. It would be very easy to get a piece of skin pinched. I haven't spent an afternoon shooting my Hatsan Mod 25, but I have cocked it twice so far and I think it's actually easier than the P-17 and the Mod 25 is supposed to require 58 pounds to cock it. I guess because the barrel is so much longer on the Mod 25, it just seems easier to cock.