Greetings From West of Rainbow

Just dropping a greetings thread from a forum newbie. I joined in 2020, but have never posted.
My name is Mike. Eventually my user name will be Moke. I've just requested a change.

I'm from northern San Diego county, at the most northward point, Fallbrook (the big town in the area). I like to think I'm from Rainbow Ca, as I live within the Rainbow Creek canyon tributary to the Santa Margarita river. So, West of Rainbow.

greetings all.

Beeman Chief (1st gen) .22
Crosman 2289 Backpacker .22 (14" barrel, and Baker aluminum breech)
Beeman P17 .177 pistol

Here is something that very few people have tried, or seen,....
Pesting with a Beeman P-17, and a Q-Tip as a projectile.

If a dead Mouse is offensive, please, do not open the image.
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Greetings, Gerry.
Gopher Cyn and the I-15 ,....
That's but a brisk walk (not that I'd survive that briskness - huffs puffs coughs).

I used to have a wonderful hunting property right here on my vast single acre. But, I sort of caused a localized extinction of Ground Squirrels within a 600' perimeter. But it took me a few hundred rodents over a few years (2017->2022) to achieve this end.
I have amazed my neighbors with my thoroughness. Its been a few years now.

Now, I plink for Mice, Rats, and Gophers at what I refer to as the Whack-A-Mole Gallery, as a patio shot.
And, I have a competition going with my Cat, who is a ferocious huntress; literally brings home rodents nearly every day. She kicks my butt, usually. But, I come back from most of her take downs.

I mentioned having had cataract surgeries,.....
Yep, I've gone from legally blind, to 20/20, in the last couple of months. Its an amazing thing to be able to have ones sight restored.

This is the Whack-A-Mole Gallery, and my new, as of yesterday, blue tarp blind.


It is a 35' range. I have a thick backstop that is taller than necessary, given the tight confines of the shot.
The wood backstop is two 4x4 landscape timbers at the bottom, and, doubled fence boards above that level.
It is mostly my wife's wild bird feeding station. But, that also attracts, concentrates rodents, which I take advantage of. In the past 10 days, I've taken Gophers, two Rats, and multiple Mice.
I like to think if it in terms of the old carnival shooting galleries that have fixed targets, and, the Moving Chain of Ducks. But it is a a loose equivalent of the Whack-a-Mole game.
How/why Whack-a-Mole?
The ground level dirt area in front of the backstop is where the birds are fed. There are quite a few Gopher holes right at the base of the backstop; these are not the taller mounds that get pushed up. The Gophers leave these holes open, and only lightly backfill them during the bright hours of the day. They then clear them out, and, pop their heads out of the holes to see where the seeds are. When they pop their heads out, you whack em with a pellet. Whack-a-Mole.

The back stop base boards create a level pathway across the gallery, about 4" above grade. The Rats and Mice use that path to scurry across the gallery when they're looking for seeds. I'm strongly reminded of the Chain of Ducks that emerge and cross the carnival shooting game.

At any rate,.... hundreds of rodents, over the years, have met their end at this gallery.

pleasure to meet you.
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Just dropping a greetings thread from a forum newbie. I joined in 2020, but have never posted.
My name is Mike. Eventually my user name will be Moke. I've just requested a change.

I'm from northern San Diego county, at the most northward point, Fallbrook (the big town in the area). I like to think I'm from Rainbow Ca, as I live within the Rainbow Creek canyon tributary to the Santa Margarita river. So, West of Rainbow.

greetings all.

Beeman Chief (1st gen) .22
Crosman 2289 Backpacker .22 (14" barrel, and Baker aluminum breech)
Beeman P17 .177 pistol

Here is something that very few people have tried, or seen,....
Pesting with a Beeman P-17, and a Q-Tip as a projectile.

If a dead Mouse is offensive, please, do not open the image.
View attachment 477649
Welcome! I'm not from remote Rainbow, but from equally remote Aguanga, east on South Hwy 79. We have in common our love of airguns. How about a love of one of our favorites, the Rainbow Oaks Restaurant. Great steaks. Orv.
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Nice yard, how fun! I too have more or less "screwed the pooch" with being too efficient at my permissions (can one really be too efficient concerning ground squirrels? ). It's OK, they'll come back, they always do. I can SOOO relate to the improvement in your sight & how it affects quality of life. My hearing is really bad. Been wearing the same hearing aids for about 8 years. Just got new ones last month. The change in technology in 8 years & the quality of sound with the new ones has been unbelievable. Hearing things I haven't in years! I'm grateful it's not my eyes. Happy you've had such a drastic change. Makes EVERYTHING different.
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Welcome! I'm not from remote Rainbow, but from equally remote Aguanga, east on South Hwy 79. We have in common our love of airguns. How about a love of one of our favorites, the Rainbow Oaks Restaurant. Great steaks. Orv.

Thats a great little eatery!
Aguanga is a neat area. It seems to have a lot of potential for Ground Squirrel mayhem.
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Nice yard, how fun! I too have more or less "screwed the pooch" with being too efficient at my permissions (can one really be too efficient concerning ground squirrels? ). It's OK, they'll come back, they always do. I can SOOO relate to the improvement in your sight & how it affects quality of life. My hearing is really bad. Been wearing the same hearing aids for about 8 years. Just got new ones last month. The change in technology in 8 years & the quality of sound with the new ones has been unbelievable. Hearing things I haven't in years! I'm grateful it's not my eyes. Happy you've had such a drastic change. Makes EVERYTHING different.

Hearing,.... acckk! I have a case of Stupidity Tinnitus.
Stupidity = Too much loud live music in my early days.

I am a live concert recordist. That effort has taken me from really loud music, to only being able to tolerate quiet acoustic music. My ears ring 24/7, both of them. And they ring in multiple tones, constantly,.
I record for small non-profit classical orchestra ensembles and, chamber music ensembles. I do this for groups from L.A. county, Orange county, and San Diego/Riverside counties, but mostly southwest Riverside, and northern San Diego.
My hearing is still fairly good, for what I can make out around the ringing ears.
If anyone is interested, you can here lots of my recordings, here, at the Live Music Archive at (LMA).
These are my recordings/files:
These are safe, legal, authorized files, hosted with the permission of the ensembles. LMA is a great, wonderful thing on the internet of stuff.
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Nice yard, how fun!

This is a good place to explain/show my layout here.
We are on a single acre, 1.1 acres (the .1 means something for taxes and water pricing)

My property is the red roof house to the left. I share the property line with the house/barn with the grey-black roof that is to the north (up image). That property line extends back to the small black roof building to the right-east. It is defined to the south by that faint white line to the south (towards the image bottom).
Want to talk about a straight line? That white line is a line of sandbags that I stacked to control hillside runoff.
Now, everything to my east (left )and south (down page), are at the base of a sharply rising mountainside that we live on. That open land is about half of what is there. The rest rise up the hillside, and then drop back down the other side of the hill on a ridge; I guess it to be likely 15 acres+. These is a lot of open land here, and it interconnectable all the way to Orange County, via river bottoms, and national forest, state forest and private ranches. It is entirely possible for a Mountain lion to travel over 50 miles from the OC, to my backyard, without having to cross major roads, and mostly accessible through deep creek ravines that connect the entire distance.

That red roof house, in closer,....
All of the shots (A,B,C,D,E) from the patio are backstopped by a sharply rising hillside, at the arrow points, that provides an 8' step up to the next property up the slope. Patio shot B has a backstop of stacked wood.
The sharply rising hillside grading cut, behind me ,rises up to over 9' tall, immediately, requiring that I did extensive stone walls and terracing to the length of nearly 350' on the south line, and up to over 9' tall. The mountain behind us keeps sharply rising to over 1000' higher than us, in the form of an extinct volcanic cone.
All of the North Corner shots are from the graded edge of the house lot. It is probably 12' higher than the down range Lime tree grove area.
Note my straight white line of sandbags, as viewed from outerspace. Straight enough?

So, I ended up taking out all of the rodents that approached us from uphill, and turned my attentions to the North Corner, which is a Lime grove area of my front yard (septic leach field).
I eventually cleaned out that area, and followed where the rodents were coming from.
They were coming from an abandoned Macadamia Nut farm that is across our access road. So, I set up blinds out at the front edge of the property that overlooked the Nut Farm. Those blinds are labeled as 1,2,3.
I call those blinds my Outposts; The Western Outpost (1), the Northwestern Outpost, and, the Green Waste Bins Outpost (2), and #3 being some native shrubs along my driveway. I reach back onto the south property from #3.
This is downrange from blind #3:

This is #3

This is The Western Outpost, #2 on the legend image.

And, these are the shots from the Western Outpost. They range out to 300' measured with a walking wheel measurer. And, they are on the other side of our little dell canyon, as you can see, a sharply rising backstop.
It is elevated above the downrange area by a substantial bit. That put me at great advantage.


And, this is the Northwestern Outpost.
The NW Outpost is a small blind, and dedicated to a slot between the Macadamia Nut Trees (all the trees that you can see). This one can range outward to 150'+

DSCN0641 (1).jpeg

I cannot tell you how many rodents perished from the Outposts.

And, this is the Outposts supervisor, Kitty.
She came to us after living for a couple of years in the wild edge to our south. She was quite close to being a feral cat, but, a nice one that liked people.
We get large packs of Coyotes every single night, and she avoided that, and lived on her own for those couple of years.
She now sleeps with me on my bed, and is an indoor cat for 18 hours a day.
She howls at the moon to get out at first daylight (6AM), and wants to be inside by noon.

Some content regarding the Cat has been edited out. I didn't realize how hot that topic is here.
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Just dropping a greetings thread from a forum newbie. I joined in 2020, but have never posted.
My name is Mike. Eventually my user name will be Moke. I've just requested a change.

I'm from northern San Diego county, at the most northward point, Fallbrook (the big town in the area). I like to think I'm from Rainbow Ca, as I live within the Rainbow Creek canyon tributary to the Santa Margarita river. So, West of Rainbow.

greetings all.

Beeman Chief (1st gen) .22
Crosman 2289 Backpacker .22 (14" barrel, and Baker aluminum breech)
Beeman P17 .177 pistol

Here is something that very few people have tried, or seen,....
Pesting with a Beeman P-17, and a Q-Tip as a projectile.

If a dead Mouse is offensive, please, do not open the image.
View attachment 477649
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Wow, 4.5 years later and you finally posted?
Keep up the good work. LOL
Welcome to the forum.

[chuckles smilie here]

I'm not the guy that is the most knowledgeable about air guns. I come here, mostly to read and learn.
I was not raised as a shooter or hunter.
I ended up butt deep in Ground Squirrels when we moved here, and, i started an eradication effort without knowing much of anything about air guns.
I started off with what was likely a 30y.o. Crosman 2100 .177 that I bought to take out a single Ground Squirrel at our old house in Laguna Hills. It proved effective on the rodents, but fiddly. Then it died, so I replaced it.
So, I bought a Beeman Chief, as it was in my budget, and I liked the concept of no kickback from PCP, as I never had that with the 2100 pumper.
Well, the Beeman started leaking air on day one, and, multiple trips to Beeman were made trying to fix it. That never happened.
Then, I started into trying to fix it on my own. I finally succeeded, and, it holds perfect air pressure now. Yea.
In all of that tear down, and build up, I started reading here, and at GTA, in trying to learn about HPA valves, etc.
I never posted here, as I'm not that go-to fountain of knowledge. Though, I've learned a lot now.
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Just dropping a greetings thread from a forum newbie. I joined in 2020, but have never posted.
My name is Mike. Eventually my user name will be Moke. I've just requested a change.

I'm from northern San Diego county, at the most northward point, Fallbrook (the big town in the area). I like to think I'm from Rainbow Ca, as I live within the Rainbow Creek canyon tributary to the Santa Margarita river. So, West of Rainbow.

greetings all.

Beeman Chief (1st gen) .22
Crosman 2289 Backpacker .22 (14" barrel, and Baker aluminum breech)
Beeman P17 .177 pistol

Here is something that very few people have tried, or seen,....
Pesting with a Beeman P-17, and a Q-Tip as a projectile.

If a dead Mouse is offensive, please, do not open the image.
View attachment 477649
Welcome back , HMMMM Q tip's much less expensive than lead ?
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So, all of that open hillside land around me,... It was also full of Rattlesnakes - tons of them.

I do not harm snakes.

In my time here, 12 years apprx. I've caught and released 17 Rattlers.
Here is my latest, from a week ago, or so.

backstory follows,....

I built my wife an outdoor shower for summertime heat relief. She calls it her Fern Bath, where she washes her ferns?
She had gone out in the morning, and cleaned our dryer vent grid with a brush. She then went to the Fern Wash to wash out the lint on the brush.

The Fern Wash,...
Note the location of the hose, and spray nozzle, near where the two walls merge. She had just been there with the hose:

This is getting a little closer to the walls merging point.
Note the dampness on the concrete blocks as being where she was just working:

Getting in there really close,...

note the water droplets from being accidentally sprayed:


Captured and ready for its ride in the car, down to the nature preserve at the end of our road (a mile away or so)

In its new home in the preserve.
Welcome back , HMMMM Q tip's much less expensive than lead ?

The Q-Tips,....
It came to me while at a Burger joint, where I ordered a burger w/ no tomato. The burger came with one of those frilly ended sandwich pick, to denote it being the custom order.
Those sandwich picks always remind me of my youth, where I'd shoot the pick through a drink straw, and, shot them into the drop acoustic ceilings..
I also used a blow pipe that was a piece of electrical conduit, to shoot framing nail darts at beer caps (college drinking daze).

So I brought the burger pick home, and tried it with my Beeman P17

Now, my intended target area is my Generator Shed that I built. And, I mean to tell you what, I spent a ton of time trying to seal out rodents with steel drip edge and flashing.
That failed, and I got Mice in the shed.

So, I took a few practice shots with the burger pick in the house, at some crafters foam board (18"x24") from across the living room, and the burger pick dart hit where I had pointed it.
So, I went out to the shed, and opened the roof of it (hinged roof), and sure enough, there was a Mouse. So I aimed and fired, and squared it through the vitals, and it dropped dead. Success!

But, that was the only burger pick that I had. So, I grabbed a Q-Tip, and cut it in half with a long sharp angled point. I then waited for another Mouse.
Another Mouse came quickly, and, the Q-Tip dart nailed it (see the image in the first post in this thread.)

I had tried pellets in the shed, but, it is built of cinder blocks, and, was a total ricochet machine, sending pellets right back out at me.
The Q-Tips, if I miss, just hit cinder blocks, and go dull instantly. But by the same token, I've hit timber frame in that space, and the q-tip actually penetrated into wood grain.
Ultimately, I feel that the Q-Tips are crudely effective, and far safer than a ricocheting pellet.
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The Q-Tips,....
It came to me while at a Burger joint, where I ordered a burger w/ no tomato. The burger came with one of those frilly ended sandwich pick, to denote it being the custom order.
Those sandwich picks always remind me of my youth, where I'd shoot the pick through a drink straw, and, shot them into the drop acoustic ceilings..
I also used a blow pipe that was a piece of electrical conduit, to shoot framing nail darts at beer caps (college drinking daze).

So I brought the burger pick home, and tried it with my Beeman P17

Now, my intended target area is my Generator Shed that I built. And, I meant to tell you what, I spent a ton of time trying to seal out rodents with steel drip edge and flashing.
That failed, and I got Mice in the shed.

So, I took a few practice shots with the burger pick in the house, at some crafters foam board (18"x24") from across the living room, and the burger pick dart hit where I had pointed it.
So, I went out to the shed, and opened the roof of it (hinged roof), and sure enough, there was a Mouse. So I aimed and fired, and squared it through the vitals, and it dropped dead. Success!

But, that was the only burger pick that I had. So, I grabbed a Q-Tip, and cut it in half with a long sharp angled point. I then waited for another Mouse.
Another Mouse came quickly, and, the Q-Tip dart nailed it (see the image in the first post in this thread.)

I had tried pellets in the shed, but, it is built of cinder blocks, and, was a total ricochet machine, sending pellets right back out at me.
The Q-Tips, if I miss, just hit cinder blocks, and go dull instantly. But by the same token, I've hit timber frame in that space, and the q-tip actually penetrated into wood grain.
Ultimately, I feel that the Q-Tips are crudely effective, and far safer than a ricocheting pellet.
as kids we used to do the same sort of dart . plastic toothpick thing and wooden match heat the end and push a straight pin into melted bubbley end .
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Welcome Rainbow dweller
That is an impressive property you have developed ..Beautiful!
For a person who hasn't posted, you sure do have a lot to say!! 😜
Glad you decided to join in and post.(y)
I am also in San Diego area, Near San Diego State, near Kensigton. And my name is also Mike
Hearing..50% hearing on left side from bone/nerve defects
i shoot mainly benchrest. Stopped for a long time, but now that i am retired, i want to get back in to it.
Isn't there an outdoor range in Rainbow?? not sure if it is public/private
People love their cats/dogs on the forum, but boy, do they hate squirrels!!:ROFLMAO:
Nice diamondbacks keep the rodents down!
Cya in 4 years 😜 ..just kidding
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