Groups of the day, the RW 25 at 190, 34g Personal best

So, this was from yesterday. I decided I needed to give the 34 grain equal time to the 25 grain king. Especially since this pellet was designed by my friend Harry from the land of Oz.

The brush and the palette 🎨:

First the magic group. I knew it was pretty darn small, before I took the fifth shot. When I shot the fifth , a bright spot appeared from the sun shining through the center of my group. I was quite jazzed to take the walk. The first shot, I was trying to hit a fly, I missed by a half an inch. I decided to use that as my aim point. Here is the view as I approach the targets:


you can actually see the light shining through the group from quite a distance. 


I did that about a month ago at someone else’s request. I have no interest in doing it again. If you’ll notice, my best group, the one on top, was a completely clean palette when I shot it, there were no other groups on the entire board.

First off it’s quite a long walk each way across the creek up and down hills. Second, mosquitoes are buzzing all over my head when I’m putting the targets up, like fuzz on my face. I wear a long sleeve hoodie and scrub pants, just to go change paper. And in this weather I’ve been taking a shower afterwards because it’s so freaking hot.

That’s why I actually draw the circles around the groups. The only thing I will walk out there specifically to retrieve is a screamer. Something that’s so good, I think it might be close to my best. Otherwise I just keep on shooting, I can tell where the groups are. Eventually the paper gets so full I can’t tell anymore, and I stop.

I just do this for fun. 

And I haven’t had this much fun shooting a pellet gun for years.

And it’s 190 yards, for the other gentleman with a question above.

The reason I post the busy board, when I’m all done with it, and ready to throw it away, is because I want to show total transparency. I’m just showing you what I do.

And again, if I do shoot a screamer, I stop, and go down and get it. Heck I want to go look at it anyway…Usually at that point I’m experiencing a total adrenaline rush. Again, usually after hours of trying to shoot that one little tiny group. Smaller than all the others.

I would wager to say, that I may have just shot the smallest group anyone has ever shot with pellets, at that kind of a distance, And it’s semi-repeatable. I shot at least four that were under MOA In the last week.

I will shoot a 1/2 MO a group this summer with pellets at 190. I almost did it yesterday. One shot away.

Yrrah once shot a group with his BSA, at even longer range, I believe it was just over MOA I believe the distance was 400 yards and the group was a hair over 4 inches.

Please post that group Yrrah if you’re reading this. Or send it to me, and I will. Or the link would be even better.

I once shot a group this small with my unregulated AZ rapid 22. Approximately 10 years ago. It took me an entire summer of trying to do it. It wasn’t repeatable .

The reason I show you the messy board is to show you, that this is repeatable . This is crazy.

This was not possible without a red wolf.

The last month of shooting with these rifles has been nothing but epic, again and again I am amazed


The one on the left I shot this week with JSB Kings. Look at where the group is in relation to the aim point at 200 yards. The one on the right I shot with a 34 grain, It is more consistent.

Again, the busy boards show you how consistent they are. There are two different posts, one for each pellet. Take a look at those busy boards. You’ll see patterns.

Also, just enjoy it. It’s possible. It wasn’t last week.


I went to a high school graduation today. Nobody wore a mask. These kids just survived their last two years of high school during Covid. They were in lockdown continuously for over a year. I felt the need to add that. It was very motivational.