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Hey Lou

While you’re at it, I want to make sure of the relative classes for my two Anschutz .22LRs.

Anschutz 1907 with Tuner - Pro Class
Anschutz 64 MPR, no Tuner - Sportsman’s Class

Please confirm.

Yes, Tommy your class selections are correct.
Annies, typically, will not fit in the Factory Class for stock, less expensive, and similar to ARA factory rifles. There are a bunch ARA guys out there looking for more venues. I posted that there are some N50 rules changes so it's good time to brush up again, With ARAs consent we used some of their words.
Tim, I have the same scope with Crosshair reticle. Q. Does the target dot offer any advantage in assisting with your holds vs. using the crosshair? Said differently, why do people choose one over another?

Hi Tom,
I’m not sure there is any real advantage of one over the other. It’s probably just personal preference.
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