Gun you sold

A gun that you wished you didn’t sale, I had a Marauder prod, that I would like to have back
show me yours
I think if it came down to it, and I'm hyperventilating right now, Lol. It would be my PCP gun's and the tanks and compressors that come with them package wise. There is nothing better than Simplicity when it comes down to springer's which I grew up with. But yah, I wouldn't sell any of them. I need to buy another gun now. What should I get? Nice springer??
.22 prod that had MM barrel, huma reg, and tuned by ajshoots. It had the foldable/collapsible stock and a moderator. I forgot the name of the moderator.
.25 wildcat gen 1. Beast of a pcp and shot amazing. Great trigger and ultra-smooth lever which made it a quick shooting. I used it at RMAC with great success.
A few months ago, I bought another gen 1 but I can't replicate my first wildcat.