Nice article from F6 Hawk. I'll try to keep this short I have the Omega Trailer Charger I decided to tear it down and see what the problem was. While putting it together I noticed the intake filer had some grease showing on the top. Unscrewed it and found the whole elbow fitting was full of grease. There is no way air was getting in at all. My fault I suspected I had over greased the compressor and caused it not to pump over 2000psi having no what to look for or if I found something how I was going to fix it.

After reading this post it got me thinking. I can't find any reference as to how to use the grease pot to re-grease the cylinders. If the compressor is not running all you will achieve is filling the intake fitting and elbow like I found on mine. The mist theory OK maybe, but there are probably two full grease pots of grease inside those cylinders maybe more. Are you supposed to run the compressor without a load and slowly turn the knob one full turn as the intake air washes the grease into the system. Past the #4 piston head? There is just no way.

IMO the grease pot is there for reassurance to the owner. The only way to re-grease the compressor is to take it apart, wipe off the old grease apply new grease. Same for the crankcase; remove the rod wipe off all the old grease apply new grease

"Can't understand why so much grease is needed on those cylinders either".
You should ONLY turn the grease pot knob while the compressor is running. (The pamphlet says every 4-6 hours, but in conversation with Jason of GXO, every 10 hours is probably a better number, and is what I plan to use going forward.) Grease is taken in the same way air is, and is spread around by friction.

Turning the knob with the compressor NOT pumping would cause the grease to take the path of least resistance, which would be outward towards the air as opposed to inwards against the seals.