I use H&N copper plated FTTs in my Prod because they are the most accurate pellet I have tried in this gun. I've shot at least 1000 of them with no signs of any issue. As already noted copper is not very hard and the coating is so thin the rifling goes through it. I have used probably about 1000 H&N Baracuda Power 10.65 in my P35-177. They are pretty accurate but not as accurate as Baracuda Match in that gun. Again no signs of damage.
I think the copper plating looks nice and may result in less lead to skin contact but I think the barrel contact is still lead to steel to a significant degree. I don't think they hurt anything but unless I have a gun that really likes them I don't see a reason to get them. I got my current stash of the Powers cheap on a closeout sale. At the time I was not sure if Power or Match were more accurate in this rifle. I've proved to myself the Match are more accurate so future purchases will be the Match.
I'm not really worried about handling lead but if you are the copper plated pellets may deserve more consideration. My state is not into "lead free" projectiles but if yours is, I wouldn't assume the copper plating meets their definition.