I discovered something today. On my Diana Chaser, rifle kit, 22 cal., stock hammer spring, I was getting lower 400 fps. put in a heavier spring and a 1/4" spacer. Crony reading 471 fps. In a different part of this forum someone told me that increasing the hammer spring pressure makes the gun louder but not faster. Well today I stretched the stock hammer spring to 3-1/2" ( recommended on a couple you tube videos). I installed it with no spacer. Boy was I surprised at the crony reading, 525 fps. Blew my mind, LOL. So that tells me that there is a sweet spot in hammer spring pressure. too much spring pressure actually reduces fps. So I'm getting more fps now in 22 cal than factory states fo the177 cal. Now a happy camper. Not only did I increase fps, it is much easier to cock.