OK, putting this into perspective. I am a fairly healthy late 50's guy. I use an exercise bike about a 1/2 hour a day. I breakout in a decent sweat doing 125-150 watts output on the bike. Now look at a Yong Heng unit. It's nameplate rated for 1,800 watts INPUT from a wall receptacle. The motor is about 50% efficient so a YH pump compressor is seeing about 900 watts of work input at the crankshaft.
That's 5-6 times what an average human can do over an extended period.
Another thing to be mindful of is the reciprocating nature of the work input into a HPA compressing cycle. A turbine compressor is smooth running but requires insane RPM's for much less pressure boost. A turbofan aircraft engine compressor operates at 30,000 RPM +/- and only approximately doubles the air pressure entering the combustion chamber. For filling our airguns/tanks we need to increase it by 200 TIMES intake pressure, nevermind the 4,500 PSI stuff.
It's kind of fun to think about human powered machines for our hobby. The rowing machine idea is intriguing since it would utilize our stronger back and leg muscles and you can do it sitting/reclining while watching TV.