Hand pumping question ??

I have added this filter to my hand pumps https://www.pyramydair.com/search-results-ext?keyword=Air+Venturi+filter.

My question is do the small cannister filters with just a fabric type filter really add benefit beyond just using the small cigarette filter that hand pumps come with stock? I ask because the larger filter really makes the pumping less efficient. The gun will fill much faster with just the small cigarette filter hooked up. If the second filter really isn’t adding much benefit then why do the extra pumping I guess ?
In my opinion, those are a waste. I haven't bothered with any filter at all on my hand pumps. Stick to 60 strokes or less, bleed the pressure (and collected moisture) with a few minutes of cool-down time, and you won't have any trouble with moisture unless your filling your guns in the swimming pool. I've been doing this for the past 8 years or so and never had any evidence of moisture in any of my guns using either my Hill pump or the cheapo Chinese one I bought to replace it.
In my opinion, those are a waste. I haven't bothered with any filter at all on my hand pumps. Stick to 60 strokes or less, bleed the pressure (and collected moisture) with a few minutes of cool-down time, and you won't have any trouble with moisture unless your filling your guns in the swimming pool. I've been doing this for the past 8 years or so and never had any evidence of moisture in any of my guns using either my Hill pump or the cheapo Chinese one I bought to replace it.
Good to hear. Since it is winter here and the air is dryer I haven’t been using that extra filter. I have been pretty surprised how much faster I can fill my guns without that thing inline. Maybe I will just drop it altogether.
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I'm in middle Georgia, and I only hand pump indoors where it's climate controlled. I've never used a filter of any sort. I've torn down almost every pcp I own and I have never seen any moisture. I've used hand pumps exclusively at least 20 years maybe more. I do try to keep my sessions short enough to keep my pumps cool. That makes for a happy gun and pump.
I think the little white filters work. I use the one that came with my YH and also a second one filled with color changing dessicant. I find the white one wet and change it after each fill of my SCBA tank. But the color changing dessicant is changing very slowly. So I think the cotton one is getting almost all the moisture. With that in mind, I like having the much smaller white one on my hand pump. I would moniter how much moisture it is picking up before additing an additional filter. In other works, take out the filter element and squeeze it after 100 pump strokes. If nothing drips out, try after 200 strokes, etc.. If it is dripping wet, however, after less strokes than it takes to fill your gun, then you need more filtration. Or you could change the filter element and let the first one dry out before reusing it. Alliexpress is a good source of extra white filter elements as long as you plan ahead for their shipping time (around a month).
I have one attached right at the base of my pump and the air out side of the filter was noticeably dirtier than the air to gun side. I also filled mine with desicant so the moist air was pressured into the desicant instead of just passing over it.
Now, I may be mistaken, but I recall reading that if your filter housing is aluminum, you should avoid letting the desiccant come in contact with it. If it does remove enough moisture, it could corrode the housing and cause an injury under pressure. I would not personally do this.
Now, I may be mistaken, but I recall reading that if your filter housing is aluminum, you should avoid letting the desiccant come in contact with it. If it does remove enough moisture, it could corrode the housing and cause an injury under pressure. I would not personally do this.
I have heard the same thing. That’s why I lined mine so it wouldn’t touch.
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im in humid florida, never used an inline filter, got the intake filter thing, doesnt seem to do much, maybe some .. but with a handpump what ive found is the pump itself sinks and condenses moisture out and retains almost all of it in the pump .. never had any moisture in a gun, like my m and prod i handpumped for years no moisture, but the pump itself, yeah .. got to get that moisture out of it or it will ruin it .. and i imagine if it was just totally neglected, then yeah, moisture could build up to the level its 'squirting' it into the gun haha ... best approach as above mentioned, pump indoors where humidity is low, and have some kind of regular maintenance schedule to break down and 'de-water' the pump itself ...
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