FX Has anyone been able to get their FX to shoot slugs MOA at 100 yards?

In a word, Altaros. Shoot them from Superior Heavy or Slug. 880 to 900 fps.
You’re welcome. 😉

I have a good friend and one of the best shooters I know. Decided a short while ago to try .25 Altaros ATP Smooth. His shooting buddies convinced him to try 990, then other lower speeds above 950 fps. He emailed me and I stressed fast is not good with these. He lowered to 920 and said it got much better then he went down to my suggested 900 fps and shot the below 5 shot group at 100 yards with .25 Superior Slug 1:16 twist. Hard to beat that!

View attachment 441165
I shoot altarous fast. 974ish in my panthera. Cuthole groups consistanly.the queens shoots better out my barrel at 888 and that's all my gun has. It has 600mm barrel with polished liner. I sanded cf sleeve to fit. It shoots heavy slugs very well. The Apolo 40 and 33 gr slugs shoot me and inch group and they are cheap. 200 for 10$. Might have a flyier,just as well m8ght jerk the trigger. I find good shooting cheap ammo hard to find. I go thru 100 easy just getting started. Midway usa has ammo and sometimes has sales on the good stuff. Bullet central has jsb 22 cal slugs for 10$right now. I bought some 30cal fx 50.15 gr pellets from them a week ago for 12 bucks a can,went back to buy more and they where 20$each.
I have achieved. Here is a 1.46 group at 150yds.
M3 700mm .22 Std barrel, slug port, Brass hammer, 150/125 regs, 16 mac, 4.75 mic, -1/4 turn from max valve, 935 fps, H&N HP@ .217 30gr.
Pic 2 is just for fun, As suggested from another member, shooting flys:p, I got one at 50.(upper hole)
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I tried SO MANY DIFFERENT SLUGS…ran thru many different types and yet I was never able to get MOA at 100 yards with repeatability (my most accurate being the FX Panthera, but with a self given score of 7/10 in terms of repeatable results at 100 yards).

Has anyone been able to do this with their FX and have it STAY a laser beam with slugs at 100 yards? If so, what slug, gun, tune, and barrel length?
Maizen… I’d like to discuss your impact for sale. I’m local to sac and could come to you. Any way I could get in contact with you?
Question should be if anyone got sub MOA consistently with 25cal,as 22 is much much easier to achieve sub moa at least for me ,25 FX IMPACTS are finnicky and demanindg to tune with slugs especially...
If you touching hole groups with slugs,the rmr hybrids will do it at 1100fps at 100 yards. The 1in24twist or 1in18 either. Both liners will shoot these slugs accurate in 25 caliber at high velocity. The Apolo 33 grain shoot will also,at least an inch out of my guns when I was shooting 25 caliber.