Has anyone got one of the latest Wildcats?

I have a customer who wants an LDC for his new Wildcat, but he has told me his shroud does not have threads in it or on it? I have not come across one Wildcat that has not had threads in the shroud, has anyone else got a new Wildcat that has a shroud that does not have threads in it? I am just not sure how familiar this customer is with his gun and need to know if anyone else has a Wildcat that has a shroud with no threads in it. I do not see how the end cap is held in place if it has no threads on it, this has me confused, they already use multiple threads on them and now this unusual arrangement, let me know if you have a similar gun, thanks, Neil.
Thanks, that is how most of them are, I am thinking he removed the end cap and has left the extensions on the shroud, not having threads on the shroud makes no sense to me at all. Thank's guys, I just wanted to make sure the latest batch of Wildcats had not been changed, it sounds like he is just not familiar with the parts of his gun, Neil.
Michael nothing would surprise me any more, lol It turns out I was correct, the customer was not familiar with his gun and despite assuring me I was wrong it turns out his gun is threaded just like the rest of the Wildcats. It is always very difficult dealing with customers who are not familiar with their guns, you have to be careful not to insult their intelligence but on the other hand when you have made dozens of the LDC's it seems very strange that one gun would be totally different to all the others. But makers do make changes so I wanted to hear from other owners of the latest Wildcats just to make sure that changes had not been made to the latest batch. Thanks for the humor Michael, remind me when you want an LDC for your Wildcat and I will make sure it has those threads on it for you, lol All the best, Neil.
"airborne"Can you please link me up to where I can buy a Huggett. I did a search but maybe I am wording it wrong. You guys have them so that is why I am asking
I got my Huggett for my Wildcat .25 cal. a couple of months ago. I'm sorry at this time I can't remember which one of these two Dealers I bought it from. I did have to wait about six weeks for them to get in stock as I remember. No BS with sending them the rifle either. Give these dealers a call and see whats up. I see the Huggetts listed on Precision Airguns. Bill


Bill the Precision Site says right on there that they must have the gun to bond it to the gun, that is what I had heard about AOA and their Huggets. It makes the already expensive Hugget even more expensive by the time you pay to ship the gun to them, and then you are without your gun. I do not know why dealers are doing this, there really is no call for it, Neil.