I have that one Trucker. I've been very satisfied with it so far. I've got about 10 hrs of fill on it. I have two 68cc paintball tanks I fill up and both take right at 7 minutes each to go from 2500 to 4500.
I know it's not high quality so I baby it the best I can.
I bought a table top fan to blow on the pump to help keep it cool and to finish cooling it down once the pump is shutoff since the motor fan shuts off too, I'll leave the cold water circulating for a little bit also but not long, I don't want condensation from the non moving air inside to build up in the pump from the cold water and hot pump temp differences.
I think I caught mine on sale for $179 (I'd have to double check on that) but recently they dropped the price for a short time to $110 so I have one in a box I haven't opened yet.
I use only secolube oil, I bought a little better water pump and I'm always able to keep it below 40 deg cel. I change my filter every 30 min of run time but I have a discharge dessicant setup I'm about to install.
I start it up with the air and oil vent bleeders open about 10 turns, I close the oil vent bleeder first and then I slowly close the air bleeder
I had one like Airslave's, and rebuilt it about 5 times before I went with a water cooled one. The portable ones are strictly for airgun bottles only and not for longterm constant filling, I think I originally paid $400 for the orange one from an airgun dealer
I see vevor has mine for $227 right now, but if you keep a constant watch and catch it they may drop the price at any time.