Man aint that the truth! I'll be 30 in a few months and crazy to think back in school days drug on for what felt like forever. Now never enough time in the day. But yeah that's the most important thing to me is raise them up right.@Dairyboy and just remember the older you get the faster time goes by. Enjoy the kids bring them up right. You'll have more of your time later.
Thanks. I had some health issues in the spring and then summer came along and work interfered with my life. I kind of got back into metal detecting a bit so my focus on air rifles was pushed off into the background. Right now it's too cold to shoot or metal detect, so I'm looking at making some knives again over winter. Some days I think I might have too many interests and not enough time.@bigHUN I forgot about @Corvid_hunter. He also has been MIA. Looks like he was around last month though. The forums have changed. I miss those guys.
Welcome backThanks. I had some ... life.
Yeah, fishing was nearly all I did until a burglary cleaned me out a few years ago... I was only gone about 2 hours!Yeah I do love it and wouldn't trade it for anything.
Yeah very busy for sure. The nice thing is the older one loves to fish so we try to do that a couple times a month. Which I'm happy with as it's probably my favorite to do with airgunning a close second.
Hey man... Ain't that the truth... I remember you from my yellow days... I think you had made a "holster" setup for a DAQ Outlaw back then...?It's always a shame,
Seen it happen on the Yellow, a lot on GTA, other forums and of Course Airgunnation
you get used to some members that you like a lot then all of a sudden they disappear and you feel the void left behind,'s sad and I've seen it happening way to often, couldn't even mention all those that I miss a lot.
Ahhhh good memory,.......good old days of airgun exploration, back then there wasn't all that much available from guns to ammo to accessories, what a huge difference nowadays it is.Hey man... Ain't that the truth... I remember you from my yellow days... I think you had made a "holster" setup for a DAQ Outlaw back then...?
Maybe we all need to give our spouses or family our log in info in case of our passing, so they can notify our internet friend's of what has happened. MarkIts a damn thing some times being on a forum for too long, and things start to happen.
On another forum we just lost one of the old / active guys, just BAM and he was gone from the forum and earth.
2 guys now passed on that forum in the time i have been there ( well over a decade ) The other one we lost during that flu thing, though i do think it was the cancer that got him, but we also lost him in a matter of a week.
Other good old boys, been pressured out or feel so at least and other just moved on, at least they said their good byes to the people they respected, and some even fire off a " still alive " flare now and then.
The latter is nice when you know it is old people.
Might not be a bad idea to have it readily available to them upon someone's death... Sometimes these forums for a lot of members becomes like a close nit family... So I could definitely see a need for this...Maybe we all need to give our spouses or family our log in info in case of our passing, so they can notify our internet friend's of what has