Has anyone shot NSA slugs with FX Dreamline .177 500mm

I can confirm the .177 superior liner standard is real, as I bought one at krale. I live in Norway, btw. An easy way to distinguish it from the smoothtwist-X, is that the the rifling turns the oposite direction. I got already 3 .177 smoothtwist X barrels for 3 different FX guns, and the old ones all twist the other way. At the moment I am in a prosses of tuning my impact for pellets, and so far it shoot with the same accuracy as it did before with the old liner. I have ordered some 12.5 grain nielsen slugs from krale also, but they was out of stock, so I might have to wait some before I got them. My plan is to try them out when it is getting warmer outside.

i got one from krale as well mate the riffling on mine goes the same exact way as the one i had in the impact the differences are that the one i got from krale has a tighter choke, the riffling looks more pressed and it starts after the ring that goes into the transferport end
Called FX-USA and talked to Melissa and she said anything recently purchased all have the superior liners even in .177. I should have the superior liner given I received it mere weeks ago. Either way given the accuracy I got from the slugs I’m happy with the performance regardless. Hopefully they will have the superior heavy out soon.

Am asking just to be sure, specifically for .177 because on the official FX Airguns website, if you select Maverick or Wildcat MkIII in the barrel section says Superior Standard Liners, except 4.5mm. I am really confused...

A lot of their information isn’t up to date with what they ship. It’s lagging behind which is the opposite problem with a lot of other brands. It appears that the 177 barrel does shoot at least the 12.5 grain nsa slugs well by multiple people so it’s a pretty safe bet. Back when they first shipped with superior .22 liners everyone’s site( FX and dealers) didn’t have superior listed either.

Did more tuning, very promising with the slugs but at lower power the ES is in the 30fps range and it shows in vertical POI spread. Probably will take off the power plenum because the shot string seems much more consistent before. 

goal is to shoot 12.5 grain slugs at 760fps and 7.4 grain crosman pellets at 760fps also which I hope will have the same zero POI so I don’t have to zero when I change ammo. With TP dial on low the 7.4 pellet shoots at around 600FPS. If I can get them to shoot well in those setting then I’ll have 3 guns in 1!