Has anyone tried one of these?

I just ordered one from the link above, then I found this one from the supplier's site for a couple of bucks less https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Most-Popular-Multiple-Designs-Outdoor-Traveling-Hiking-Diving-Used-Protect-Bag-Baclpack-for-Sale-with-Factory/32696417585.html?spm=a2g0s.13010208.cb0001.45.10323c00p889Uk&scm=1007.13440.95620.0&pvid=431431c2-2a06-48af-8ced-2db2d3ba2833&tpp=1 Sometimes it's hard to get the best price until you make an order, then better deals start popping up everywhere.
It is designed for a tank that is 6.18" in diameter and 20.98" in length. My Omega 100 CUFT 4,500 psi CF tank is 7" in diameter and 24" long. Jus' sayin'.

Here's one I put together in an hour for $15 worth of Velcro. (The tank can be easily removed and the tank data is easily visible while in the holder):


I built my carrier out of PVC (pics found elsewhere on this forum)

However, I would hope a canvas material would be more durable than the Chinese models. Plus they have a TON of other items to select from your local AS probably doesn't carry like the 1964 M151 Kaiser Jeep and 1967 M416 Stevens Trailer. 😮

Have a look at the duffel bags here. Available in a variety of sizes and colors as well as carry methods (hand, shoulder etc.).

Family-owned, family-run business out of Houston Texas. 


Yeah critta, I did basically the same thing with an old backpack I used to carry my old Pulsar in. I pulled the shoulder straps around the front and tie-wrapped them together for a handle. It can carry my Omega 100 cu-ft tank fully-enclosed quite nicely. It even has a large, flat, rigid backing that acts as a stable base when sat down. I'm a big fan of re-purposing, myself. Waste not, want not; I always say!