Hatsan Bullmaster semiautomatic .22 video review by AEAC

Well it's good we have other options.
Just played around with the Bullmaster. Been checking the sound meter to compare with and without LDC. The sound of the action at the gun is kinda loud around 86db, but does quite down down range. I'm indoors so sound registers louder. 12yrds indoors is nothing for the Bullmaster. Local outdoor range is being renovated so can't really play with at longer distances.
 Just got the new Tatsu LCD from DonnyFL. Works great no accracy issues. No clipping or POI shift. Report is notably less. 
Update: My Bullmaster has stopped working completely. I have it apart and working endlessly to repair it, but no success. Problems slowly started compiling until it never cycled a new round. I'll be lucky to have a single shot now. Probably just trash it.

Advice, do not buy! Technology is not there yet. Even when it was working at its highest level, during temperatures blow 55 I was never 100% sure I even had a round in it. Better just to buy a forward cocking lever repeater than a semi auto. This why all the major youtubers are not using semi autos: to many problems, Will spend all your time fixing it.